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Beyond Fried Chicken on the KFC Menu


Works in theory! Practice? That's something else
Sep 20, 2019
Key Largo
Customers can order Beyond Fried Chicken™ as KFC’s first ever plant-based combo meal with Secret Recipe Fries and a medium drink, or à la carte in six or 12-piece orders.

The launch comes after years of testing from the Yum Brands chain and Beyond Meat to create a meat substitute that mimicked the taste and texture of whole muscle chicken, like chicken breast, rather than the ground-up consistency of nuggets.
You can make anything taste like chicken since most everything already does. Only blander/gamey/tougher/has fur/etc.
I grew up with a sister who raised chickens that ran loose. Including a rooster that attacked me on sight every day. As far as Im concerned the only good chicken is a dead one.
Since Ive also been chased by a bull Im rather fond of steak too.
You can make anything taste like chicken since most everything already does.
Word is they're pretty much like every other chicken nugget out there in terms of taste.

What they tried to do was get away from the chicken-bits-glued-together nugget to make it as if it had real muscle tissue like breast meat.

A journalist's review said they were indeed "stringy" like real chicken, but also "spongy" like a normal nugget when cut. Pity they can't get them to "brown" like the marketing image.... I guess with enough hot sauce it doesn't make a difference ; -)
Marketing Photo
Journalist's Photo

I was a little shocked by the size and shape of these nuggets. The 1 1/2-by-2-inch rectangles were much larger than the fast-food nuggets I'm used to at other chains....Ultimately, I won't be ordering these again for myself. They didn't taste identical to the real thing, and I'd prefer actual chicken.

I saw some blind taste tests where they said the texture gave it away but the taste was the same, and non-blind tests that said the taste was different.
I haven’t been to KFC in years.
Do these cost more, or less, than “real” chicken nuggets?

Too bad there is so much lack of agreement and so much unclarity on what foods are most healthful. Clarity about that would go a long way in guiding this kind of crap, err, questionable food products.
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The only nuggets Ive had lately are Wendys. If you dont eat them in 10 min theyre like rubber.
I love KFC, its their prices that are out of hand and its been like that since long before the current inflation.
The pieces are tiny. And used to be you got cole slaw and mashed, now just one. Was there last week, like $9 for the two smallest piece meal. Ive always lived under the poverty line, usually way under, but its just me. If youre feeding a small family I wouldnt take em there.
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I haven’t been to KFC in years.
Do these cost more, or less, that “real” chicken nuggets?

Too bad there is so much lack of agreement and so much unclarity on what foods are most healthful. Clarity about that would go a long way in guiding this kind of crap, err, questionable food products.
Haha, remember the food pyramid, and everything low and no fat.... Americans becoming obese anyway because it took so long to figure out that fat wasnt making them fat, it was excess carbs, particularly sitting on the couch snacking before bed.
Then comes the atkins diet, which isnt dissimilar to what bodybuilders used to do (and I did) when youre trying to get cut.
But its pretty expensive and time consuming.
I finally honed it down to never eat more than your body needs. Stay clear of "eating events" like thanksgiving, holidays, buffets, etc. Treat food like maintenance not a pastime.
I dont get enough nutrients from veggies but Im addicted to those little cherry fruit cups. At least 4 a day.
Vegan chicken substitute is pretty easy in general, getting some of the texture better is a bit more challenging.
Batvette ….
Yep, I agree. The “food pyramid“ is one of the most egregious scams ever foisted upon us by the gov-mint, in cahoots with big-Agra. Sadly it is still being sold as gospel.

it is very hard to equal, much less beat, cooking at home from scratch ingredients. But the problem is how to find time for it? What with the demands of the job, kids, Facebook, Tik-Tok, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and all the other “wonderful“ screens that enthrall so many American sheep, I mean, citizens.
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Batvette ….
Yep, I agree. The “food pyramid“ is one of the most egregious scams ever foisted upon us by the gov-mint, in cahoots with big-Agra. Sadly it is still being sold as gospel.

it is very hard to equal, much less beat, cooking at home from scratch ingredients. But the problem is how to find time for it? What with the demands of the job, kids, Facebook, Tik-Tok, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and all the other “wonderful“ screens that enthrall so many American sheep, I mean, citizens.
Its weird thinking how it was cooking at the turn of the century or so. (1900). I saw a doc on Heinz ketchup as an example. Most of his competitors put their products in dark colored glass bottles because their products were often spoiled at worst or inconsistent at best. As marketing ploy he puts his in clear glass with all ingredients listed, goes to the govt and lobbies congress to set up what became todays FDA. Figures the inspections will run his competition out of business.
After years of failed products, Heinz 57 and his plan worked.
Anyway back then if you wanted chocolate cake you got the eggs from the chicken, milk from the cow, walked 5 miles each way to town and back for the rest, maybe had to chop down a tree and split half a cord of wood for the money to buy it on the way.
Obesity likely not much of an issue, though life expectancy much shorter.

I remember a video game called "gun" on PS2 I think, and part of the game was searching for jugs of whiskey, which was how you regained your health after being shot, attacked by bears, trampled by cattle stampedes, etc.
At least with a diet of solely whiskey no botulism, salmonella, dysentary, etc... And thats why when visiting Mexico seasoned travellers drink only beer. Theres no fountain sodas or ice anywhere, only bottled sodas. Ive been in San Diego since 1981, the tradition carries over to taco shops on this side, most of which still dont serve fountain drinks.
The food is great. Dont drink the water!

When I was in the navy 4 of us rode our motorcycles to ensenada on a sunday, its only 60 miles but with the condition of the highway back then and us on 2 wheels it wasnt a trip to take lightly.
Anyway we drank lots of beer and i hate seafood so I stuck to the (purportedly but not likely) dog meat tacos served by street cart vendors. The other guys all gorged themselves on cups of raw oysters from the cart vendors. Starting late that night all 3 couldnt leave the head in the barracks for 4-5 days, and I mean it was loud. We still felt it was a win cuz nobody dropped a bike. At every toll booth down their coast hwy were pools of black oil from their cars, you had to pull right onto them and put a foot down to pay your toll. Never mind the potholes.
I heard Popeye's is gonna put a "named" drive-up window on each side of the building with different menus for each window.

The Popeye = Regular ole healthy greens, taters and real meat
The Olive Oyl = Fat free diet food served in very small portions
The Brutus = Special GMO foods with extra growth hormones
The Wimpy = Chicken burgers, real (including skin) or fake, your choice
If we look at the progress, it won't be long before consumers will be buying vegetarian meat substitutes over real meat. Not because of ethical considerations, but because it will be a lot cheaper. Farm prices will tumble as a result and combined with starlink that is going to be a good thing for people who want to get out of the cities.

Interesting times.
If we look at the progress, it won't be long before consumers will be buying vegetarian meat substitutes over real meat. Not because of ethical considerations, but because it will be a lot cheaper. Farm prices will tumble as a result and combined with starlink that is going to be a good thing for people who want to get out of the cities.

Interesting times.
I live with my head in the sand most of the time, by choice. What is "starlink"?

So this week we eat vegimeat because it's healthy, if built properly. Next week meat is cheaper and we eat that.
Maybe some ranchers will become farmers to supply the vegies.
People move to the country and start raising their own food.

Interesting times indeed.
Starlink allows internet in remote places.

Solar and batteries allows off-grid.

Animals eat a lot more plant food than what is going to be needed for fake meat. So we can expect a reduction in the amount of land used for farming. This is in addition to gm crops being more productive.

If you want to raise animals for food on your own small farm, you still will be able to. People moving from the city to remote locations might prevent farm prices to drop too much.

There are other changes afoot, AI, robots and self driving cars/trucks. High unemployment etc unless other jobs happen.

It is going to be interesting to watch.
True story.
So I'm leaning over the kitchen sink a few minutes ago eating a piece of fried chicken wondering.

Why can't we choose to eat vegis instead of paying someone take vegies and process it into fake meat.
Could 70 years of advertising have thoroughly convinced us we must eat meat and if we can't have meat we will take fake meat instead?

I'm not pitchin a bitch. I just wonder about stuff sometimes.
True story.
So I'm leaning over the kitchen sink a few minutes ago eating a piece of fried chicken wondering.

Why can't we choose to eat vegis instead of paying someone take vegies and process it into fake meat.
Could 70 years of advertising have thoroughly convinced us we must eat meat and if we can't have meat we will take fake meat instead?

I'm not pitchin a bitch. I just wonder about stuff sometimes.
From what I understand the bacteria in our gut are influencing our cravings. But I have no idea if this is actually true. People are taking antibiotics to kill of all the bacteria and repopulate the bacteria in their gut with the "right" bacteria.

I am skeptical about those claims, but I have not seen anything that refutes this.

Advertising of course doesn't help. As for me, a smiling pig on a packet of otherwise delicious bacon, is a reason for me not to buy it.
Why can't we choose to eat vegis instead of paying someone take vegies and process it into fake meat.
The dilemma, I think, is in the "fake" part of the thought. It's not fake food and it's not 100% vegetables.

I'm sure the goal behind the meaning of the corporate name "Beyond Meat" is to eventually supersede the quality, texture, taste, smell, juiciness, and consistency of meat products. There's also the advantage that portion sizes have the correct nutritional amounts for an uncomplicated dietary replacement for what people are used to.

Perhaps think of it as processed plant products? We eat a lot of processed foods... for example, cereal, bread, cheese, and beer are all processed foods. We eat them because we like them and a variety of other reasons. That is we could choose to eat grain & barely, but it's not the same as drinking beer. ; -)

Could 70 years of advertising have thoroughly convinced us we must eat meat and if we can't have meat we will take fake meat instead?
Probably helps to indoctrinate children (e.g., food pyramid in grade school) too, the advertising then is just a reinforcement of what's known to be true.
People are taking antibiotics to kill of all the bacteria and repopulate the bacteria in their gut with the "right" bacteria.
I have heard the same. That train of thought seems totally goofie to me. ?
Big pharma continues to convince folks there is an "easy fix", no matter what the ailment is and they have the profits to prove it.

The dilemma, I think, is in the "fake" part of the thought. It's not fake food and it's not 100% vegetables.
Fake is just a convenient word for me. In my mind, it was real food before being processed into a product which represents something it is not.

There's also the advantage that portion sizes have the correct nutritional amounts for an uncomplicated dietary replacement for what people are used to.
Again, but this time I will call them "Big Food", is attempting to convince folks that they have the "easy fix" to anyone's dietary needs.

Perhaps think of it as processed plant products? We eat a lot of processed foods... for example, cereal, bread, cheese, and beer are all processed foods. We eat them because we like them and a variety of other reasons. That is we could choose to eat grain & barely, but it's not the same as drinking beer. ; -)
Some of us are not big fans of "processed anything" so we put forth the extra effort, pay the higher price or simply shop as much as possible on the edges of the grocery store so to speak. A number of years ago the stores kept processed foods in the middle and fresh unprocessed foods on the edges. Stores have changed that practice, probably so we would have to pass this product to get to that product.

I have done the "Rat Race" and it sucked. I look back now and wonder what the heck I was thinking. Now I have the time to think it through and appreciate the opportunity to share what I have learned.

Probably helps to indoctrinate children (e.g., food pyramid in grade school) too, the advertising then is just a reinforcement of what's known to be true.
In reference to 70 years of advertising:
Yep, and the problem is that "what's known to be true" too often leans towards Big Food or Big Pharma being correct because someone was paid to say they are.

We should be learning and earning through our own efforts. We should not live life believing anything just because "Big Mouth" said so.

Damn, I missed Beer-Thirty by 15 minutes. See Ya ?

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