diy solar

diy solar

Use a 12v 100ah battery instead of 50 ah


New Member
Feb 19, 2022
Was wondering, referencing your reasonable milk crate build can you use all the listed components within your video for this build however change the battery from 50 ah to 100 ah? Just trying, in my retired years and still raising 2 very young boys how to build and use this science and to become aware of these things. I wish my Dad 60 years ago would have taught me but it was practically non-existant.
The only difference between using a 50Ah and a 100Ah battery is the amount of time it will take to charge and how long you can run things. The power will last twice as long before you need to charge but then it will take twice as long to charge.
Thank you. Silly me, was also thinking it would give 1000 watts or there abouts instead of the 480 watts...
Thank you. Thats what I was wanting to double check. Hate to make an idiot of myself to my 11 and 10 year olds.
Thats what I was wanting to double check.
So I still don't know if you are asking about an inverter in your earlier post.

Assuming you are asking about using a bigger inverter then it affects many parts of the milk crate parts list. You need bigger wires and bigger fuses to handle the higher current.

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diy solar