diy solar

diy solar

ANL fuse?


Here comes the sun....
Jun 15, 2021
Is there a problem using a 400a ANL fuse vs a DIY bear bones copper stock bus bar as a short distances connector? Not enough space to run a 4/0 negative wire with two lugs between battery and battery monitor SHUNT.
Is there a problem using a 400a ANL fuse vs a DIY bear bones copper stock bus bar as a short distances connector? Not enough space to run a 4/0 negative wire with two lugs between battery and battery monitor SHUNT.
I would think that would be alright providing you have the fuse housed in a way that if it suffers a catastrophic failure it isn't next to anything flammable, and as Photon said, that there isn't any physical stress put on its terminals. Meaning the contact surfaces of the battery and shunt terminals should be in the same plane, to avoid any bending or twisting force on the fuse when you crank down the terminal bolts). Also, if this fuse is going to be used as the main overcurrent protection device, be sure its AIC is appropriate for your system.
I had a similar problem with distance. I redesigned my poor first and moved the shunt, well, in my case the catastrophic fuse holder.

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diy solar