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diy solar

WAS: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

Roswell Bob

Solar Enthusiast
Dec 5, 2020
Warner, NH
Since you havent mentioned this again I assume it was just a passing thought.
While initially that might seem smart and safe I can only imagine the pandoras box of liabilities that would introduce on several fronts.
The most obvious being integrity of electrical connections, how would you get something of such high current capacity to also cleanly disconnect in an.emergency by remote? Any scheme I can imagine would introduce significant resistance, worsened by corrosion in an undervehicle environment.
In designing for safety youd ensure a destiny of disaster.
Now lets talk about that ejection system, lol. Theres a little story they showed us in the Navy, about a day on the USS Forrestal involving stray voltage and a Zuni rocket pod... John McCain happened to be in the seat of the plane that got hit when it shot across the deck. 134 were killed, 161 injured.
I heard it was McCain that launched the rocket.
I heard it was McCain that launched the rocket.
Naw it was an F-4 that had a stray voltage issue launched a zuni rocket. McCains plane was the A-4 that got hit. I was a fire control tech in the navy early 80s worked on F-4 phantoms, but they had retired the zuni rocket pods by then. I was trained specifically to do micro wire bundle repair, I could easily imagine one of those cable assemblies getting worn and shorting across conductors.
All this is incredibly well documented.

Siting Wikipedia is not “Well Documented” considering anyone can write that or edit it.

I heard from Navy guys in 1980 when I was in, that is was Mcain who wet started his plane and caused it. Eye witness accounts from 13 years ago 1967 when it happened.

Plus a whole lot more stuff about when he was in Vietnam.

His name was MUD in the Navy at that time..
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Siting Wikipedia is not “Well Documented” considering anyone can write that or edit it.

I heard from Navy guys in 1980 when I was in, that is was Mcain who wet started his plane and caused it. Eye witness accounts from 13 years ago 1967 when it happened.

Plus a whole lot more stuff about when he was in Vietnam.

His name was MUD in the Navy at that time..
You were in the military in 1980? So was I.
What was your organization?
I was in an F-4 squadron from 79-83.
Fitron Twenty One, fire control shop CV-43. AQ3.
If you were in the Navy at the same time you saw the training film in boot camp and would realize that almost everyone topside at the time it happened was killed. I was assigned TAD to the GSE pool at NAS Miramar, was PQS qualified on the RCPT-105 and the A-4 like most military jets needs a huffer (a source of massive compressed air from an external source operated by an additional crewman) to start. In addition to the plane captain directing.(I also had PQS quals as a plane captain, on F-4s) What youre claiming wouldnt happen because it couldnt happen.

Also, there is PLAT footage of the incident, and all aircraft when started have their tails pointed off the deck.

I agree McCain was a turd, it was his own fault he got shot down. Also his own fault he got hurt. See:

If you just want to disparage McCain that should be a treasure trove of proof of what a POS he was. I prefer heroes that dont get shot down because they violated standing orders.
He destroyed 3 planes before he got to the fleet wouldnt have had his wings except for daddy.
However your doubts about wikipedia are probably the lamest argument ever. The official investigation cannot be edited by anyone, and if in fact you think wikipedia can be edited by anyone why dony you go change the article to your silly conspiracy theory.
You were in the military in 1980? So was I.
What was your organization?
I was in an F-4 squadron from 79-83.
Fitron Twenty One, fire control shop CV-43. AQ3.
If you were in the Navy at the same time you saw the training film in boot camp and would realize that almost everyone topside at the time it happened was killed. I was assigned TAD to the GSE pool at NAS Miramar, was PQS qualified on the RCPT-105 and the A-4 like most military jets needs a huffer (a source of massive compressed air from an external source operated by an additional crewman) to start. In addition to the plane captain directing.(I also had PQS quals as a plane captain, on F-4s) What youre claiming wouldnt happen because it couldnt happen.

Also, there is PLAT footage of the incident, and all aircraft when started have their tails pointed off the deck.

I agree McCain was a turd, it was his own fault he got shot down. Also his own fault he got hurt. See:

If you just want to disparage McCain that should be a treasure trove of proof of what a POS he was. I prefer heroes that dont get shot down because they violated standing orders.
He destroyed 3 planes before he got to the fleet wouldnt have had his wings except for daddy.
However your doubts about wikipedia are probably the lamest argument ever. The official investigation cannot be edited by anyone, and if in fact you think wikipedia can be edited by anyone why dony you go change the article to your silly conspiracy theory.
Never said I was in the Navy. Said I was in.
I was in the Army. 33S ASA which turned into INSCOM or CECOM depending on where you are stationed.

Human intelligence gathering. HUMINT.

Ft. Devens, Sinop, Vint Hill Farms, Fort Meade, lots of other places.

Stationed with Several old Chiefs and sailors who claim otherwise.
They all didn’t know each other and all recounted similar stories.

Instead of having a PDU he tried to put fuel in engine enough to spark it to get it to turn over.

I didn’t say it was fact but it’s the story I got from far too many sailors.

That Wikipedia article was not written by the Dept of Navy or DOD and just from looking at the edit page has been altered at least 500 times since it was put there.

Wikipedia is a joke.

The fact that his daddy was an Admiral says the “Official “ report was scrubbed of his involvement according to all the guys I talked to.

Being Transferred to the Oriskany the next day also speaks to weird stuff going on.
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Never said I was in the Navy. Said I was in.
I was in the Army. 33S ASA which turned into INSCOM or CECOM depending on where you are stationed.

Human intelligence gathering. HUMINT.

Ft. Devens, Sinop, Vint Hill Farms, Fort Meade, lots of other places.

Stationed with Several old Chiefs and sailors who claim otherwise.
They all didn’t know each other and all recounted similar stories.

Instead of having a PDU he tried to put fuel in engine enough to spark it to get it to turn over.

I didn’t say it was fact but it’s the story I got from far too many sailors.

That Wikipedia article was not written by the Dept of Navy or DOD and just from looking at the edit page has been altered at least 500 times since it was put there.

Wikipedia is a joke.

The fact that his daddy was an Admiral says the “Official “ report was scrubbed of his involvement according to all the guys I talked to.

Being Transferred to the Oriskany the next day also speaks to weird stuff going on.
Why are you pretending that wiki is the only source on this? You know the Navy has a 6,000 page report on the disaster? You obviously also know nothing about wiki if you think its remarkable an article has been edited 500 times.
I was on a carrier for four years and never saw a plane started that didnt have its exhaust pointed over the water. As this map of the deck shows:


McCains plane was FACING the phantom. How could a wet start cause this accident?
This is a stupid argument. Are you a 9/11 conspiracy theorist too?
Some guys told you. There were plenty of witnesses that day INCLUDING THE PLAT CAMERA FOOTAGE.
You dont know that everything on deck is filmed? Its all in the documentary film. I guess McCains dad had another carrier blown up just so they could get alternate footage?
Here, at 3:42:

Shows the Skyhawk engulfed in flames with its ass hanging off the edge.

Whoever told you McCain caused that with a wet start is an idiot who knows nothing.
Here, at 3:42:

Shows the Skyhawk engulfed in flames with its ass hanging off the edge.

Whoever told you McCain caused that with a wet start is an idiot who knows nothing.
You only sited Wikipedia.

Oh you poor thing.
The government has never falsified anything at all.

Whole bunch of senior idiot sailors then.
Guys that were on board.

Poor Guys were are all crazy.
It looks like a source for this "wet start" conspiracy theory was from internet forums during the 2008 election. They describe wet starts as pilots intentionally flooding engines so they could "impress" other pilots with huge balls of fire out of their exhausts.

Whoever came up with that has absolutely no idea what goes on on an aircraft carrier. Anyone who even attempted such a stunt-even as an officer- would get yanked out of the plane and taken to the bridge to see the captain. No such "stunts" go on in naval aviation. Pilots wouldnt be impressed.
Maverick never buzzes the tower.
There are already far too many ways for everyone involved to get killed.
You only sited Wikipedia.

Oh you poor thing.
The government has never falsified anything at all.

Whole bunch of senior idiot sailors then.
Guys that were on board.

Poor Guys were are all crazy.
Your "senior sailors" arent here testifying. You have the video footage in front of you. How are your claims consistent with the way the aircraft are spotted at 3:42?

I know this is the internet and you cannot change the minds of people who wish to remain ignorant so Im done wasting time on this.

Your statement "the government never falsified anything" sounds like the argument 9/11 conspiracy theorists and moon landing hoaxers use when the stupidity of their positions is revealed.

No the government is not always truthful, but people as gullible as yourself often need to be lied to.

It hardly means the deaths of over a hundred sailors will be covered up to protect an admirals son.
Your "senior sailors" arent here testifying. You have the video footage in front of you. How are your claims consistent with the way the aircraft are spotted at 3:42?

I know this is the internet and you cannot change the minds of people who wish to remain ignorant so Im done wasting time on this.

Your statement "the government never falsified anything" sounds like the argument 9/11 conspiracy theorists and moon landing hoaxers use when the stupidity of their positions is revealed.

No the government is not always truthful, but people as gullible as yourself often need to be lied to.

It hardly means the deaths of over a hundred sailors will be covered up to protect an admirals

Oh we NEED to be lied too.
I see.
Keep on trying to tie me to something I never mentioned.

I worked in Army Intelligence from 1975-1995 then other agencies that won’t be mentioned until 2015 when I retired.

It’s funny that you think you know the truth of everything because the TV said so when In reality nothing like that happen.

I can’t even count how many times Senior Cabinet members and Officers scrubbed records to get their sons / relatives out of some Mess.

His father was Commander CINCPAC so yes he could have had it covered up whatever you may think.
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Oh we NEED to be lied too.
I see.
Keep on trying to tie me to something I never mentioned.

I work in Intelligence in the Army from 1975-1995 then other agencies that won’t be mentioned until 2015 when I retired.

It’s funny that you think you know the truth of everything because the TV said so when In reality nothing like that happen.

I can’t even count how many times Senior Cabinet members and Officers scrubbed records to get their sons / relatives out of some Mess.

His father was Commander CINCPAC so yes he could have had it covered up whatever you may think.
Present your evidence for your conspiracy theory or move on.
So far its been "some guys I knew said".
Vs a 6000 page report relying on exhaustive interviews, forensic evidence, and PLAT camera footage of the whole event.

You can believe what you want to believe. Including believing you wont look silly claiming it.
Present your evidence for your conspiracy theory or move on.
So far its been "some guys I knew said".
Vs a 6000 page report relying on exhaustive interviews, forensic evidence, and PLAT camera footage of the whole event.

You can believe what you want to believe. Including believing you wont look silly claiming it.
Already did.

Those Sailors who had no reason to lie in 1980+
Because John McCain was a shit bird Lieutenant.

They all said he started the fire.
Stories varied from wet start to dropping a rocket/bomb
Then further learning as I progressed in the intelligence agencies that agree with said findings.

If your suggesting I post Classified Data ( Not that I would have any now anyway) to a public forum then you must be crazier than I thought.

As soon as he was elected Senator he had all of the POW and HIS records sealed.

Doesn’t sound like a guy who wants any investigation into anything.

It was so bad that families finally forced congress to form the senate select Committee on POWs.

The thing is they put another shit Bird in charge
Who fake multiple injuries to try to get out of Vietnam John Kerry.

You keep on believing you are the omniscient Arbiter of truth.
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Already did.

Those Sailors who had no reason to lie in 1980+
Because John McCain was a shit bird Lieutenant.

They all said he started the fire.
Stories varied from wet start to dropping a rocket/bomb
Then further learning as I progressed in the intelligence agencies that agree with said findings.

If your suggesting I post Classified Data ( Not that I would have any now anyway) to a public forum then you must be crazier than I thought.

As soon as he was elected Senator he had all of the POW and HIS records sealed.

Doesn’t sound like a guy who wants any investigation into anything.

It was so bad that families finally forced congress to form the senate select Committee on POWs.

The thing is they put another shit Bird in charge
Who fake multiple injuries to try to get out of Vietnam John Kerry.

You keep on believing you are the omniscient Arbiter of truth.
Haha. Hail the king of the internet bullshytters. Your evidence is all classified, thats too rich. Everyone making this claim on the internet gets destroyed.

You still havent responded to the point: The PLAT camera footage from that day clearly shows McCains aircraft parked opposite the F-4 Phantom, facing each other. Each of their exhausts pointed off the deck.
You can make out the bu. numbers of the aircraft as they are ablaze.
Given the positions of the aircraft your conspiracy theory is impossible.

Here is a website with the contributions of hundreds of witnesses in testimony and photos:

John McCain and his father are both DEAD. Dozens of survivors on the flight deck that day are NOT. Why would they lie now?

All you have produced is your own vague description of "some sailors" telling you something long ago. Can you produce a reference from a single credible witness that day making this claim? Why not? Who is keeping them from telling the "truth"?

If you want to trade stories about what a dirtbag John Kerry is Ive got some great ones. Including how he shot an unarmed teenager clad in only a loincloth as he was fleeing.
But claiming there was some kind of coverup about the forrestal is just silly.
Tis is hilarious coming from the guy who thought there were people with direct energy weapons gangstalking him.
Prove they werent. I mean here you are stalking me, months later still obsessed just because you got owned making false claims about CA covid shutdowns, its not so preposterous.
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Prove they werent.
I am supposed to prove people weren't stalking you with direct energy weapons?

So what kind of direct energy weapons were they stalking you with? Converter microwave ovens with antennas? LOL

Do you also want me to prove they weren't really aliens too?
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I am supposed to prove people weren't stalking you with direct energy weapons?

So what kind of direct energy weapons were they stalking you with? Converter microwave ovens with antennas? LOL

Do you also want me to prove they weren't really aliens too?
Well youre trying to ridicule me as if its impossible. Are you claiming people dont get stalked? Are you claimimg directed energy weapons dont exist, in either conventionally produced or DIY form?
I seem to recall you mention some mmw radar experience, so you know damn well similar frequencies are used in well documented weapons systems and perhaps some we dont know about.
This also raises a question about what your particular obsession is with ridiculing the idea of this real technology.
Law enforcement agencies across the country have worked overtime to keep.quiet about their procurement and illegal use of vans equipped with backscatter x ray surveillance technology. Since the field you worked in has tech of a similar nature and wants nothing about its capabilities to get out, for fear of public outrage over its inevitable misuse, your posts ridiculing.the very idea controversial tech exists seem consistent with counterintelligence efforts.
Or maybe its just another troll with too much time on their hands.
In any case Im downright flattered you were so emotionally scarred by one of our previous exchanges you chose to scour the web for my every previous thought and continue to follow me into dozens of threads now hoping I might give you the attention you crave so hungrily.
Most people have to work very hard for such fan club dedication.
Anyway quite frankly since I know my history on the internet ridiculing people making obviously dumb claims dwarfs the few things I posted in the brief time was lead to believe things might be happening to me, we both know you are not merely poking good nature but are on some bizarre crusade to dishonestly portray me as something I am not.
Your obsessive stalking of me is consistent with mental illness. Youre just a petty little **** who cannot stand that someone whose opinions are opposite of your liberal woke drivel can support his position with substance and references, and feel stalking is a preferable tactic to expending effort on credible rebuttal.
It seemed to start with my comments on climate change. Whats the matter, did I bare your ideology as the destructive stupidity it is?

Promote your electric cars and all the environmental destruction building the infrastructure will cause. Pat yourself on the back youre saving the planet at the same time youre accelerating the ability of billions to contribute to its destruction.
Like portraying me as a conspiracy theorist, you can believe your lies.
Im in San Diego, if you were anything but a pusillanimous keyboard warrior we'd have already met. But then Ive spent most of my life around a crowd other than EE engineers.
I love it when people prove my point for me.

BTW...wasn't me that found your past history and posted it.
Haha. Hail the king of the internet bullshytters. Your evidence is all classified, thats too rich. Everyone making this claim on the internet gets destroyed.

You still havent responded to the point: The PLAT camera footage from that day clearly shows McCains aircraft parked opposite the F-4 Phantom, facing each other. Each of their exhausts pointed off the deck.
You can make out the bu. numbers of the aircraft as they are ablaze.
Given the positions of the aircraft your conspiracy theory is impossible.

Here is a website with the contributions of hundreds of witnesses in testimony and photos:

John McCain and his father are both DEAD. Dozens of survivors on the flight deck that day are NOT. Why would they lie now?

All you have produced is your own vague description of "some sailors" telling you something long ago. Can you produce a reference from a single credible witness that day making this claim? Why not? Who is keeping them from telling the "truth"?

If you want to trade stories about what a dirtbag John Kerry is Ive got some great ones. Including how he shot an unarmed teenager clad in only a loincloth as he was fleeing.
But claiming there was some kind of coverup about the forrestal is just silly.
You know very well I didn’t carry a video camera around and all those men are dead.

These where Chiefs and sailors who had no reason to lie in 1980s.

I know all about McCain, Kerry, George Bush jr and many others.
I have seen the shit they pulled or their daddy’s have.

I know all about Kerry fake injuries and Shooting that kid.

You still don’t get it.
If the government wants something covered up it gets covered up.
I worked in this field for 40 years.
I did the coverups. I help these dirt bags in the name of “Country “ but later found out it was just about them.
Nobody showed me an official document but everyone knew and was not shy about letting it be known that John McCain was the source of the fires.

His father was CINCPAC and all that implies.
He edited his sons part in that fire and transferred him to the Oriskany the next day.

What’s this about you getting chase with Directed Energy weapons?

And you call me a Conspiracy theorist.

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