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diy solar

WAS: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

I must have missed this one. Please elaborate??
@Batvette made someone look dumb in an argument about COVID. That person got butt-hurt to the point they dug all over the internet to find a post by the same user, years ago, and on a different forum, about, what appears to me to be, some prior mental health issues. He freely admitted that he had a rough patch in his earlier life, but for some reason, people thought it was appropriate to use his previous, and unrelated, statement to discredit his current ones.

As soon as somebody starts making personal attacks you know they've lost the argument.
You know very well I didn’t carry a video camera around and all those men are dead.

These where Chiefs and sailors who had no reason to lie in 1980s.

I know all about McCain, Kerry, George Bush jr and many others.
I have seen the shit they pulled or their daddy’s have.

I know all about Kerry fake injuries and Shooting that kid.

You still don’t get it.
If the government wants something covered up it gets covered up.
I worked in this field for 40 years.
I did the coverups. I help these dirt bags in the name of “Country “ but later found out it was just about them.
Nobody showed me an official document but everyone knew and was not shy about letting it be known that John McCain was the source of the fires.

His father was CINCPAC and all that implies.
He edited his sons part in that fire and transferred him to the Oriskany the next day.

What’s this about you getting chase with Directed Energy weapons?

And you call me a Conspiracy theorist.
The technology to doctor the PLAT camera footage did not exist in the 60s.

The footage itself precludes the possibility of the exhaust of McCains aircraft starting the fire.

Your claim is based on third hand evidence. When these sailors step forward and offer testimonials about what they claim they witnessed then that might be something.

Until then its just you saying "some guys I cant identify told me 40 years ago..." vs an official report that involved hundreds of witnesses and forensic evidence, not a bit of which suggested McCains plane could have started the fire.

Your theory leaves everyone involved in a 6,000 page report about an event that killed well over 100 people, severely burned and scarred for life hundreds more, all lying just to protect admiral McCains son. Think about the absurdity of that particularly when McCain could have easily said the "wet start" was accidental and that would be that. Lets not forget the defense contractor who mfd the Zuni rocket pod, and McDonnell Douglas were involved in the investigation as well. You would assert they laid down and took the blame for this.... To protect an Admirals son?

The PLAT camera footage shows his aircraft spotted with exhaust pointed overboard, as is SOP for carrier aircraft being readied for startup before launch. With men on the deck, why would it be pointed any other way?

This must be why this conspiracy theory is perpetuated by people with zero experience in Naval Aviation. It wouldnt have happened like you say because it couldnt have happened like that.

Just like claiming navy pilots blow huge fireballs out of their exhausts on deck just to "impress other pilots." AFAIK its not even possible on a plane without afterburners, which the skyhawk has none.

I have not seen a single site on the internet where this conspiracy theory has not been shot down as absurd. Can you find me one? John McCain and his father are both long dead. Who is driving the coverup now?

Im not saying coverups dont happen. This one has zero traction right out of any gate you release it from.
The technology to doctor the PLAT camera footage did not exist in the 60s.

The footage itself precludes the possibility of the exhaust of McCains aircraft starting the fire.

Your claim is based on third hand evidence. When these sailors step forward and offer testimonials about what they claim they witnessed then that might be something.

Until then its just you saying "some guys I cant identify told me 40 years ago..." vs an official report that involved hundreds of witnesses and forensic evidence, not a bit of which suggested McCains plane could have started the fire.

Your theory leaves everyone involved in a 6,000 page report about an event that killed well over 100 people, severely burned and scarred for life hundreds more, all lying just to protect admiral McCains son. Think about the absurdity of that particularly when McCain could have easily said the "wet start" was accidental and that would be that. Lets not forget the defense contractor who mfd the Zuni rocket pod, and McDonnell Douglas were involved in the investigation as well. You would assert they laid down and took the blame for this.... To protect an Admirals son?

The PLAT camera footage shows his aircraft spotted with exhaust pointed overboard, as is SOP for carrier aircraft being readied for startup before launch. With men on the deck, why would it be pointed any other way?

This must be why this conspiracy theory is perpetuated by people with zero experience in Naval Aviation. It wouldnt have happened like you say because it couldnt have happened like that.

Just like claiming navy pilots blow huge fireballs out of their exhausts on deck just to "impress other pilots." AFAIK its not even possible on a plane without afterburners, which the skyhawk has none.

I have not seen a single site on the internet where this conspiracy theory has not been shot down as absurd. Can you find me one? John McCain and his father are both long dead. Who is driving the coverup now?

Im not saying coverups dont happen. This one has zero traction right out of any gate you release it from.
Believe what you want.

Also Kennedy was shot by 1 man from a book Depsository with an Italian bolt action Rifle while moving.

Official 20,000 page report.

Zupruder film was never modified and all others didn’t disappear.

Maybe they used DEWs to kill him?
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Believe what you want.

Also Kennedy was shot by 1 man from a book Depsository with an Italian bolt action Rifle while moving.

Official 20,000 page report.

Zupruder film was never modified and all others didn’t disappear.
Changing the subject doesnt add much substance to your original claim.

We arent talking about the murder of a president, but an accident caused by the unforseen.

I know that was a shot a marine marksman could make. Download JFK Reloaded, its a free PC video game and its fun. Though getting a good score is difficult so I just unload on the first car that rounds the corner and watch the mayhem unfold.

If there was a conspiracy the easy money is on LBJ. He was a jerk.

Since 60 years and countless amounts of energy expended has revealed nothing but confusion on the matter most people have given up on it.

The one thing I cant dismiss is that Army guy in Germany that went to the journalists in Geneva with his predictions he had heard. When I heard that aspect Im all, yup. Someone had him iced. Whoever they were they likely did the country a favor. Just my opinion based upon his character flaws influencing events.
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Changing the subject doesnt add much substance to your original claim.

We arent talking about the murder of a president, but an accident caused by the unforseen.

I know that was a shot a marine marksman could make. Download JFK Reloaded, its a free PC video game and its fun. Though getting a good score is difficult so I just unload on the first car that rounds the corner and watch the mayhem unfold.

If there was a conspiracy the easy money is on LBJ. He was a jerk.

Since 60 years and countless amounts of energy expended has revealed nothing but confusion on the matter most people have given up on it.

The one thing I cant dismiss is that Army guy in Germany that went to the journalists in Geneva with his predictions he had heard. When I heard that aspect Im all, yup. Someone had him iced. Whoever they were they likely did the country a favor. Just my opinion based upon his character flaws influencing events.
His Flaws were many but the one thing he had right was to break up the C*A, MIC and the "Federal reserve".
I saw first hand the destruction they have caused here and abroad.
So whats your take on the attempted assasination of reagan by hinckley jr... With hinckley sr. being a close friend of HW Bush, and his occupation being a "missionary" in africa (cover for CIA asset?) Apparently jr. lived for awhile in the same town where CIA was doing manchurian candidate research at a local hospital... Weird it was mentioned once by walter kronkite and never spoken of again.
Apparently jr had been caught with a gun at an airport in nashville a couple years prior, at a time when Jimmy Carter was passing through.
Weird stuff. Some strange people running our country, like how president cheney selected bush jr to be his vice president. No other VP spent his whole 8 years in the basement at 1600 Penn... Probably wearing a turtleneck and stroking a long haired white cat. Those were cheneys policies being implemented, GW was picked because he was electable, cheney was not.

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