diy solar

diy solar

MC4 Connectors


New Member
Feb 8, 2022
I want to use split mc4 connectors to run 1 x 100watt solar panel to two different charging stations ( only 1 station will be used at any given time) will this work ok…..

just to re-iterate…..1 panel, 2 sets of cables on mc4 split connectors, 2 charging stations, but only 1 will be used

charging station 1 - Home Office
charging station 2 - Entertainment Deck

Will find put next week when the extra cabling and connectors arrive……..i cant see a reason why it wont work
2 chargers on one cell?
I see potential grounding/misoperation issues.
Not a lot of info to go on.
2 chargers on one cell?
I see potential grounding/misoperation issues.
Not a lot of info to go on.
Grounding/misoperation issues???

the panel is charging a bluettie solar generator, as i have only 1 of these, i cant see any misoperation issues… for grounding, its not required.
Grounding/misoperation issues???

the panel is charging a bluettie solar generator, as i have only 1 of these, i cant see any misoperation issues… for grounding, its not required.
Your original post implied you were charging 2 devices.
Moving one device to 2 locations no problem.
I want to use split mc4 connectors to run 1 x 100watt solar panel to two different charging stations ( only 1 station will be used at any given time) will this work ok…..

just to re-iterate…..1 panel, 2 sets of cables on mc4 split connectors, 2 charging stations, but only 1 will be used

Define only 1 will be used at a given time. Do you mean you'll only connect the solar cable to one when that one is in use?
I want to use split mc4 connectors to run 1 x 100watt solar panel to two different charging stations ( only 1 station will be used at any given time) will this work ok…..

just to re-iterate…..1 panel, 2 sets of cables on mc4 split connectors, 2 charging stations, but only 1 will be used

charging station 1 - Home Office
charging station 2 - Entertainment Deck

how are you going to isolate the one not being used?
how are you going to isolate the one not being used?
I only have one….its a solar generator from bluetti, you just unplug it moving to were you need it. No isolation required

its 1 panel, i generator…2 different charging areas ( 1 x office, 1 x deck)….come on guys its not rocket science
Define only 1 will be used at a given time. Do you mean you'll only connect the solar cable to one when that one is in use?
I only have 1 as stated above, i will move it to the area required, with the required cable in that area. Like plugging it into a socket when you move a lamp around the house…..when its plugged into the office cable, it cant be plugged into the deck cable as its down two floors and outside.
I only have one….its a solar generator from bluetti, you just unplug it moving to were you need it. No isolation required

its 1 panel, i generator…2 different charging areas ( 1 x office, 1 x deck)….come on guys its not rocket science
Oh come on.

The original question was too vague to answer without clarification.
If you only have one place to plug in the mc4, I see no reason to use a splitter.

We are going to need more clarification in what you want to connect to what to give a helpful answer.
If you only have one place to plug in the mc4, I see no reason to use a splitter.

We are going to need more clarification in what you want to connect to what to give a helpful answer.
Ok…..i want to move my bluetti Solar generator between the office and the deck for usage.

i have one solar panel that uses mc4 connectors running a cable to the bluetti and plugged into the back with a dc7909 plug attached.

during the evening/adternoon i want to use the same bluetti down on the deck to pwer the outside tv, skyq box and soundbar……..i want to use mc4 splits to connect two charging cables with same dc7909 plug on the end…..1 will run upstairs to the office and 1 will run along the front of the decking to station 2 under the TV……

it works, no worries, im already doing it as we speak….no more posts required.
I'm not, however "you're" coming across as arrogant, and entitled. You were not clear in what you were asking.
Entitled…..come on @mopat thought i was being very clear, when he gave me an instant answer on post 1. after that there was no arrogant posts, maybe you are overly sensitive, but thats ok.

my question has already been answered and no further help, comment is required.

Thank you
Surely your not that sensitive??…..
I’m not but I do get annoyed when people are demanding.

I could see several outcomes/settings in your question and thought that fairly ambiguous myself. Just cuz one person out of how many views guessed your intent doesn’t make that any less confusing.
I’m not but I do get annoyed when people are demanding.

I could see several outcomes/settings in your question and thought that fairly ambiguous myself. Just cuz one person out of how many views guessed your intent doesn’t make that any less confusing.
Demanding??? I havent demanded anything, the same as ive not been entitled……i just asked a simple question and i got the answer from post 1….. i didnt ask any further questions after that. So how can i be demanding lol

just glad this is a friendly forum and not like some of the others that denegrate into name calling and stereotyping……..oh my bad, it seems thats already happened lol :)
The original question was too vague to answer without clarification.
You were not clear in what you were asking.
havent demanded anything
I made a statement- didn’t say anything directed to you.
Just cuz one person out of how many views guessed your intent doesn’t make that any less confusing.
come on guys its not rocket science
maybe you are overly sensitive
glad this is a friendly forum and not like some of the others that denegrate into name calling and stereotyping……..oh my bad, it seems thats already happened

Chill out. I’m glad you got your answer.

Nobody’s calling you names, just an odd exchange from the typical chatter on here yielded a couple of scratching heads. I didn’t understand you either until like post 14- too many assumptions could be made.
Nobody’s calling you names,
so no one used the words arrogant, entitled and demanding ina derogatory fashion??? Its ok, those words dont bothered me in the slightest.

i asked a question that i thought was pretty simple, people didnt get it, thats ok. lets move on.

diy solar

diy solar