diy solar

diy solar

Ventilation Required?


New Member
Mar 27, 2020
I'm planning to purchase a Bluetti 1500WH solar generator for my micro-camper. Ideally, I'd like to store it inside one of my wooden benches.

1. Does the Bluetti need to be vented, meaning, should I cut a hole in my bench seat to allow for airflow between the compartment I'll be storing the Bluetti and the rest of my van?
2. Should it be vented to the outside which would require cutting a hole in the side of my van and installing a vent?

Anything that has a cooling fan needs a cool air supply. If you enclose it in a space it will recirculate it's own heat exhaust and get progressively hotter. Adding two vent holes (in/out) and ducting the Bluetti fan would be the most efficient. Adding a fan to push or pull cool air through the bench seat would also work.
Anything that has a cooling fan needs a cool air supply. If you enclose it in a space it will recirculate it's own heat exhaust and get progressively hotter. Adding two vent holes (in/out) and ducting the Bluetti fan would be the most efficient. Adding a fan to push or pull cool air through the bench seat would also work.
Probably not a bad idea just to be safe

diy solar

diy solar