diy solar

diy solar

Connecting 6 AWG to smaller gauge wire


New Member
Sep 15, 2022
I have a small off-grid solar cabin and ran 6 AWG from our battery box to several locations in order to install some 12v and 12v to 5v USB outlets. 6 AWG was probably overkill but I had enough left over and figured why not use it.

However, the wire on the 12v/USB outlets is extremely tiny (and of poor quality, it's definitely not copper I'm guessing aluminum?) and I have no idea how to reasonably connect the 6AWG copper wire to it. Any suggestions?
I have a small off-grid solar cabin and ran 6 AWG from our battery box to several locations in order to install some 12v and 12v to 5v USB outlets. 6 AWG was probably overkill but I had enough left over and figured why not use it.

However, the wire on the 12v/USB outlets is extremely tiny (and of poor quality, it's definitely not copper I'm guessing aluminum?) and I have no idea how to reasonably connect the 6AWG copper wire to it. Any suggestions?
Busbar or lugs on each bolted together or twist caps ( and heat-shrink or electrical tape :) )
lugs on each bolted together
and heat-shrink

That was one thought I had too, thanks for confirming it's not as crazy as I was thinking it might be! :)
I love Wago nuts. Some people here say they don’t trust them though because they haven’t been around long enough to be a proven method.
The same could be said for nearly any new product, inverters, charge controllers etc.. Why trust anything that hasn't been around and being used for decades?
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I’d connect using a fuse block with the appropriate sized fuse to protect the smaller wire. Otherwise that 6AWG and the battery could really do some damage to the smaller wires and associated equipment.
That seems like the best idea. Run the 6g to a fuse block and then from the block to the outlets.
There’s any number of 6 AWG Reducers which you can hook to the 6 AWG to fit a smaller connection.

I have also used butt splices at either end of a 40’ section of a 6 AWG run to connect to a 10 AWG wire. Just fold the smaller gauge wire over enough to fit into the butt splice and then heat shrink for indoor use or double heat shrink for outdoor use. This was for a 15 amp run where the 6 AWG was to cover voltage loss.

The run needs to have overcurrent protection of course to protect the smaller wire, which will be as close as practical to the power source, but not at each splice.
I’d connect using a fuse block with the appropriate sized fuse to protect the smaller wire. Otherwise that 6AWG and the battery could really do some damage to the smaller wires and associated equipment.
If there is an ‘event’ with the usb supplies they will self destruct. Should they be fused? Probably, but they aren’t going to draw more load than they can output; the wires are probably a 25A fuse lol

As others stated, fuse for the 22ga but I’d do it at the source of power- the battery.