diy solar

diy solar

my experience with a battery vendor


chadjones LLC
Aug 8, 2021
Arizona & Coloardo
Not sure if this is the right Forum, but I will admit when I have a problem with a supplier or vendor I can be the 1st to complain and hold them to their word. But I also like to go out of my way when I feel I have good service, be it at a restaurant ( server ) or buying online.
So I wanted to say I bought some Trophy server rack batteries and although I just got them set up and around to building my system ( I bought them 4 or 5 months ago ) I have had a need for tech support and reached out by email to Dan with Trophy battery and he has gone out of his way on the weekend from his home and called me to help me with my tech support needs
This is great to have a company go after hours to help you solve a problem,. He really sounds like a great guy and will be where I buy my next batteries from

diy solar

diy solar