diy solar

diy solar

Is a buss bar needed for wiring batteries in series?

Bus bars are not required, you may use wire with compression lugs at both ends to make the + and - series connections as long as the wire is sized properly for the amount of current and any over protection device. Due to its flexibility, I really like Class M or Class K welding cable.
from what I understand NO, but is desired. meaning if you are going to daisy chain them make sure they are all the same length and size. And at one end of the "Bank" has the pos lead coming off and on the other end have the Neg coming off. . But if you have a buss bar system it helps make sure that all is equal. I'm sure someone else will chime in
I have just the system as sold to me with no fault protection between batteries. I hope that is ok. I do have a circuit breaker on the wall between the charge controller and the battery bank.

diy solar

diy solar