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diy solar

Remote settings for SPF 5000 es


New Member
May 25, 2022
I will be glad if I could have a clue of how to set the SPF 5000 es remotely
You can use solar assistant, it runs on a raspberry pi.. then you can change some settings
It is possible to remotely configure the SPF5000ES
(I assume you have the data logger shinewifi-F and the plant registered to growatt cloud server)
Solar assistant is quite poor when it comes to parameter set on the inverter.
But I use it frequently to switch mode SUB-SBU-UTI

2. Login
3. In the dashboard scroll down to "my photovoltaic devices"
4. On the right side press the button "settings" on the device you wish (if you have more than one)
5. Agree with the disclaimer in order to proceed further.
6. Press "advance set" to be able to see all settings/parameters

Almost at the bottom you have a drop down field (choose parameter) and a button "read" to get the current parameter value.

In the empty field on the bottom of the window "please enter key to save", you have to type the password. It remains in the box as long as you keep the settings box opened.
This is being sent when you press "yes".

The password includes the current date (no brackets ?):

So... choose the parameter you wish (upper list, radio button, only one can be selected), type in the value or choose from the drop down list, press yes.
After that you can read the parameter to check if it is the value you have written previously.
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What issues are you having?
I set all of my parameters in Solar Assistant. It's very easy and fast.
Solarassistant wants values as a voltage. Growatt and Shine want in percentage for those settings. To add to the confusion Solarassistant will sometimes accept a percentage as input on the voltage line input range. I do prefer Solarassistant over Shine. Updates are fast and not dependent on the Growatt servers. I do however go to the physical Growatt panel to verify the settings took hold. I suspect Solarassistant is working on this little problem. Most times I can see if a change has an effect on performance remotely using iotawatt. Some settings can only be changed with Growatt in standby mode locally for obvious reasons.
I don't have any issues with it.
The settings are the same on Solar Assistant as my Growatt. It's just a remote control and monitor. Whenever I make changes, I can verify that they took in Solar Assistant. I don't use anything else. I chose Solar Assistant for the simplicity.
I probably do not have something configured properly then. At least I know now that it is
possible to config Growatt reliably with Solarassistant by what you say. I am going on the hunt.
Thanks for the input. You are the best.

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