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diy solar

That Will Prowse Guy

+1000 to Will. He inspired me to tackle my solar project and in the process I have learned so much from Will and this Forum. I would have never tried a solar installation without watching Will's videos. Solar was not even on my radar until youtube suggested one of Will's videos about a month ago, now I have a 30kw installed and working.
Drugs! I know how easy it is to stumble into that world. And how hard it is to re-surface and create a better you. My story is told on NatGeo "Locked up Abroad", "Chile Prison Break" season 6 episode 15. Yes, I was one of those young and stupid hippies who niaevely chased drugs into the pits of a foreign jail. It was an overwhelming and fearless sense of survival that led me to escape from that world. Now I find that doing this DIY solar is so self satisfying, especially with the knowledge and experiences shared on this site to guide me away from the potholes, that I would never have seen on my own. As long as I can learn something new everyday, I have a feling of self worth that drugs only steal away.
I think Wills high IQ and apparent ability to understand his interests thoroughly has given him the edge over most of us.
I think that is a faulty conclusion. There’s plenty of psychology commentary on ‘the most likely to succeed’ (those having an edge) not achieving well in life.
The biggest takeaway I see is personal desire and willingness to achieve that- regardless of “edge”- brings about or breeds eventual success.

Most people seem to have this idea that ‘success’ comes to those with one advantage or another, or privilege, or some fortunate circumstances specific to that individual. They think that others can “do it” because of ______ and don’t recognize the work and often the sacrifices made to get there. The elements that anyone can do.

True, not everyone can or will achieve outstanding success. People often use that as an excuse to justify not trying. The reality, however, is that no matter one’s advantages or disadvantages most of the time if one puts the effort forward to reach their maximum potential they will exceed the norm and look like they had “an edge” over other people.

To roughly quote a popular commentator on YouTube: every time you reach for the next level you suck at it But then you get some competence, some success; and you go to the next challenge- and you suck at it. Then you up your game and eventually reach your goals and realize that there is a next level- you haven’t reached your potential. At some point you meet your capacity or discover you can exceed it.

Living life up to one’s capacity is much more rewarding and fulfilling than merely showing up and performing acceptably under one’s capacity.

Will seemingly had a visionary moment and wrote a book; Will apparently had a vision to create a YouTube channel and affiliate business; Will apparently had a vision to exceed his circumstances even with great health issues to deal with.

So I think we can’t forget an edge can be created in our own choices in our own heads.
Thanks for posting! I’ve been warching Will on YouTube since my husband and I started clearing land for our off grid home in 2021…back then being off-grid was just a dream and now it’s coming to fruition!

More than anything, I have always enjoyed Will’s enthusiasm! I love when he is excited about something- even if it’s way over my head! To hear his background gives me a whole new respect for him- and the fact that he enjoys time on two wheels makes me adore him even more! (I’m a cyclist, and I think the world would be a better place if everyone rode a bike!)

Thank you, Will, for sharing your research and knowledge! I love your content and your honesty and I wish you all the best in life!
Going off grid in Northern AR too. Been pleasantly surprised how much power I can produce with solar.

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diy solar