diy solar

diy solar

Daly BMS confusion


New Member
Jun 26, 2022
I have been in contact directly with Daly support in the past few months…my issues were posted here..concerning the need to add a balancer. They sent me one from China!! It all works for me…until

a few days ago open the app, and it says there is an update and requires a secure code be entered.

ok…I tried a couple possibilities..nada. So..I emailed them asking for the code.

I get back the most confusing reply. Something about my broken rainbow. Huh? I asked again for the secure code…I get back a massive amount of documentation…but no code. I tell them I read the documents but none of it applies to my situation. I send screen shots.

I get back another email asking for a large amount of documents from me. suffice it to say I cannot provide it. (I’ll explain if curious) But..all I want is the code

can anyone here tell me the secure code for the update? Daly and I seem to be talking different languages…(no cuteness intended.)

Isn’t this related to the current app issues as experienced by many?

Ok…maybe someone can tell me how to stop automatic updates to this app in the apple store.?

i need to stop these folks from doing this to me.
Isn’t this related to the current app issues as experienced by many?

Yes..but what is the secure code the app wants?
how then do you update the bms?. mine has been bugging me about an update for a while now