diy solar

diy solar

AC voltage from nowhere


New Member
Mar 11, 2023
I have 8 panels with enphase micros.
I have now added 2 310 watt panels just for battery charging.

Whilst setting up the batteries I have noticed some electricity going into small cuts and feeling strange and thought nothing of it. I am now setting up a 2nd bank of batteries so it will be 2 x12 volts in parallel. I was leaning over the new bank (not connected to anything)and touched a terminal on the 1st bank, my watch touched a terminal on the 2nd bank. I heard a spark and felt an AC shock go through my other arm which was leaning on a metal cabinet.
Having the weird electricity feeling before and now a proper shock from a low voltage battery I now decided to investigate.
The multi meter came out, with a probe on a battery terminal and one on the cabinet I get 45 volts of AC???? I put the probe on a random screw in the wooden table leg and get 35 volts, I got the same from the end of my finger.

How is it I can get all this AC voltage from out of seemingly nowhere?
The array is on my shed with the batteries within which are connected to a cheap grid tie inverter which is only used at night which wasn't switched on.

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diy solar