diy solar

diy solar


Oh for crying out loud.. Kennedy is a fruit cake.. it's no wonder he needed a fruit cake Christian college to spread his garbage.

These morons seem to come in groups and stick together.. (Reference the thumbs up for the OP's post) ROFLMAO
Oh for crying out loud.. Kennedy is a fruit cake.. it's no wonder he needed a fruit cake Christian college to spread his garbage.

These morons seem to come in groups and stick together.. (Reference the thumbs up for the OP's post) ROFLMAO
You're the same fruitcake that said they didn't have pornographic gay LGBT books in our schools and they weren't grooming kids and that republicans just wanted to ban and burn books. You're like the town drunk and nobody takes you seriously. Go take another booster!
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You're the same fruitcake
Copying my words shows you lack originality.. which is probably a function of a limited vocabulary.
that said they didn't have pornographic gay LGBT books in our schools and they weren't grooming kids and that republicans just wanted to ban and burn books. You're like the town drunk and nobody takes you seriously. Go take another booster!
And you proclaimed your love for molesting little boys.. You clearly said you try hooking up with young children.

Yup.. two can play at this game you psychopath. You make up things I didn't say, I'll make up things for you too.

What I really find interesting is that Bob B liked your post.. and while his posts contain the same fruitcake ingredients, I don't think I've ever seen him sink so low as to make things up like you just did.. which makes me wonder why he would like your post.

Keep listening to wackadoodles.. enjoy your life as an employee servant barely going from paycheck to paycheck.
You're the same fruitcake that said they didn't have pornographic gay LGBT books in our schools and they weren't grooming kids and that republicans just wanted to ban and burn books. You're like the town drunk and nobody takes you seriously. Go take another booster!

Oh wait.. It looks like I might have been mistaken.. You are indeed correct, our schools do have books with pornographic content.. I believe the most popular of them is called "The Bible"...

The bible has pornography, incest, the endorsement of enslaving other people, murder, genital mutilation, etc.. You're into that bible aren't you?
Murphy .... YOU are the one who is calling a true patriot a fruit cake ..... You want to act all offended when someone reacts to that.
You need to try to find a thread on this forum where you actually know what you are talking about .... You have an extremely poor track record so far.

Then you want to go on some sort of juvenile rant about religion ... Must be REALLY hard being you.
Murphy .... YOU are the one who is calling a true patriot a fruit cake ..... You want to act all offended when someone reacts to that.
You need to try to find a thread on this forum where you actually know what you are talking about .... You have an extremely poor track record so far.

Then you want to go on some sort of juvenile rant about religion ... Must be REALLY hard being you.
He's a lawyer with some education in history if I recall.. and now he's playing "medical expert"? ROFLMAO.. that's the definition of a fruitcake.

Oh ya Bob, you call him a "true patriot".. and yet, with the one single exception of vaccines, he pretty much stands on the polar opposite side of you on every other issue.. He's a hardcore environmentalist.. espouses the need to do away with fossil fuels, endorses green energy, and also endorsed Al Gore, the green party, and Kerry. He's a democrat.. through and through.
If it was up to him, gasoline cars would no longer be on the road.

He's a lawyer who studied history and literature.. and has zero education in the sciences.

Remember when I said the conspiracy nut jobs always come with a cluster of attributes? Kennedy is also Catholic.. A full grown adult who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real....

Damn, that's some funny stuff there. Watching you stumble all over yourself trying to argue your point about things you know nothing about is entertaining.

Bye the way, your "true patriot", never joined the military or served his country.. come to think of it, neither did you, and I bet your friends D71 and the other knucklehead didn't either. I suspect your definition of "patriot" is very different than mine. I served my country...

Carry on..
He's a lawyer with some education in history if I recall.. and now he's playing "medical expert"? ROFLMAO.. that's the definition of a fruitcake.

Oh ya Bob, you call him a "true patriot".. and yet, with the one single exception of vaccines, he pretty much stands on the polar opposite side of you on every other issue.. He's a hardcore environmentalist.. espouses the need to do away with fossil fuels, endorses green energy, and also endorsed Al Gore, the green party, and Kerry. He's a democrat.. through and through.
If it was up to him, gasoline cars would no longer be on the road.

He's a lawyer who studied history and literature.. and has zero education in the sciences.

Remember when I said the conspiracy nut jobs always come with a cluster of attributes? Kennedy is also Catholic.. A full grown adult who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real....

Damn, that's some funny stuff there. Watching you stumble all over yourself trying to argue your point about things you know nothing about is entertaining.

Bye the way, your "true patriot", never joined the military or served his country.. come to think of it, neither did you, and I bet your friends D71 and the other knucklehead didn't either. I suspect your definition of "patriot" is very different than mine. I served my country...

Carry on..
I realize it is hard for you to understand ... I have read his books and watched him speak. He is on the side of what we need right now. He is an honorable man.

I did my service when you were still in diapers.
The rest of your nonsense isn't worth a response..

Seems like every once in a while you go off your meds and decided to post some nonsense.
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He's a lawyer with some education in history if I recall.. and now he's playing "medical expert"? ROFLMAO.. that's the definition of a fruitcake.

Oh ya Bob, you call him a "true patriot".. and yet, with the one single exception of vaccines, he pretty much stands on the polar opposite side of you on every other issue.. He's a hardcore environmentalist.. espouses the need to do away with fossil fuels, endorses green energy, and also endorsed Al Gore, the green party, and Kerry. He's a democrat.. through and through.
If it was up to him, gasoline cars would no longer be on the road.

He's a lawyer who studied history and literature.. and has zero education in the sciences.

Remember when I said the conspiracy nut jobs always come with a cluster of attributes? Kennedy is also Catholic.. A full grown adult who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real....

Damn, that's some funny stuff there. Watching you stumble all over yourself trying to argue your point about things you know nothing about is entertaining.

Bye the way, your "true patriot", never joined the military or served his country.. come to think of it, neither did you, and I bet your friends D71 and the other knucklehead didn't either. I suspect your definition of "patriot" is very different than mine. I served my country...

Carry on..
Signing up for the military is not serving your country.

You got paid to do it and then retired from it like any other job.

You would turn guns on your fellow countrymen any minute they threatened to go against and disagreed with who is writing your paycheck.
These two sound a lot like a President and a Secretary of State.

The things Fauci has said tells me his Molecular Biology understanding is severely lacking...........or, more likely, he's being controlled and probably cringes when he reads what he must say next.
It probably blew his mind when the public bought it.

You don't make those kind of amateur mistakes if you have a degree in the subject and you certainly don't try to push the "cut hunter theory".
It's never worked before so what makes him think it will work now.

I'll put up my molecular biology chops against Anthony Fauci's any time.
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Signing up for the military is not serving your country.

You got paid to do it and then retired from it like any other job.

You would turn guns on your fellow countrymen any minute they threatened to go against and disagreed with who is writing your paycheck.
You're either trolling because you get off on it, or you really are a dumbass.. .

I find myself hoping for the trolling because if you really are that f*king stupid, this country is in trouble.

Man.. I don't think this often, but some people really should have been swallowed.
You're either trolling because you get off on it, or you really are a dumbass.. .

I find myself hoping for the trolling because if you really are that f*king stupid, this country is in trouble.

Man.. I don't think this often, but some people really should have been swallowed.

Sorry. My mom and I both have an outlandish, overwhelming gag reflex.
You live with your mother! Oh man.. Dumbass kid confirmed.


Well, I mean at one time yes, I was even inside her body and then when she shoved my entire body out of her vagina then I wasn't anymore, I drank milk by sucking on her boobs.

Pretty weird right?

Then when I was older I bought a house and moved out. I still get milk the same way though.
You're either trolling because you get off on it, or you really are a dumbass.. .

I find myself hoping for the trolling because if you really are that f*king stupid, this country is in trouble.

Man.. I don't think this often, but some people really should have been swallowed.

You obviously don’t want someone crowding your troll trophy.
My only troll activity was while in the trolliban in the early 2000s so you don’t have to worry that my troll super skills, knowledge, and intelligence will be used to crush your pathetic troll attempts.
The current clowns using “the trolliban” name are latecomers who lack the intelligence to pick a unique name.
You obviously don’t want someone crowding your troll trophy.
My only troll activity was while in the trolliban in the early 2000s so you don’t have to worry that my troll super skills, knowledge, and intelligence will be used to crush your pathetic troll attempts.
The current clowns using “the trolliban” name are latecomers who lack the intelligence to pick a unique name.

Suplex troll moves! Unmatched, undefeated!
You obviously don’t want someone crowding your troll trophy.
My only troll activity was while in the trolliban in the early 2000s so you don’t have to worry that my troll super skills, knowledge, and intelligence will be used to crush your pathetic troll attempts.
The current clowns using “the trolliban” name are latecomers who lack the intelligence to pick a unique name.
Who the hell are you talking to?
I totally agree.

But if you want to fix that, why don't you Americans deal with those idiots in your own parties?
Because the system doesn't allow it.

In 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) a conservative leaning Supreme court, for the first time in American history, allowed corporations to donate unregulated funds to political campaigns.

That one decision will be responsible for destroying this country. It allows "dark money" to fund politicians.. and that dark money can come from anywhere, including other nations.

When this country finally collapses, I suspect many people will study the 2010 FEC ruling and find it was the root cause of our failure.
Because the system doesn't allow it.

In 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) a conservative leaning Supreme court, for the first time in American history, allowed corporations to donate unregulated funds to political campaigns.

That one decision will be responsible for destroying this country. It allows "dark money" to fund politicians.. and that dark money can come from anywhere, including other nations.

When this country finally collapses, I suspect many people will study the 2010 FEC ruling and find it was the root cause of our failure.

Yup! Pfizer stooges in government are the reason we got vaccine mandates and lies about the jab stopping the spread and being 100% effective in stopping infection.

Many people fell for the propaganda and ran right out and got the shots.

diy solar

diy solar