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diy solar

You might want to pay attention this time...

Clintons debt performance was due to all the capital gains and dividends taxes paid by corporations that he facilitated shuttering their factories and moving production to China.
And the "housing collapse by Bush" was caused by Clinton policies, not by Bush
It is difficult to comprehend this level of ignorance... And listening to you parrot the silly crap that comes from the right wing crack head websites is comical.

Clinton's stellar performance was (in large part) the result of the internet being born and all the revenue it created.

And corporations don't move to China because of the taxes in the USA genius.. They move to China because a large portion of American society has become a bunch of self-entitled ignorant morons who don't want to work unless they're paid a king's wages.

Of course, you think its the democrats who put our nation into debt... ROFLMAO.. the ignorance is boundless.
The fact is the current stalemate is because biden wouldnt cut spending one cent and republicans wanted to cut spending.

Goddamn you libtards really are in the twilight zone.
It is difficult to comprehend this level of ignorance... And listening to you parrot the silly crap that comes from the right wing crack head websites is comical.

Clinton's stellar performance was (in large part) the result of the internet being born and all the revenue it created.

And corporations don't move to China because of the taxes in the USA genius.. They move to China because a large portion of American society has become a bunch of self-entitled ignorant morons who don't want to work unless they're paid a king's wages.

Of course, you think its the democrats who put our nation into debt... ROFLMAO.. the ignorance is boundless.
Hey fucktard, read this as slow as you have to so you dont say something stupid again.

Clinton created an atmosphere encouraging corporations to close their US factories and get their goods from China instead.

You got that, dipshit?

When corporations lay people off and sell brick and mortar assets like factories, theres a chargeoff but in the short term their stock prices soar because theyre cutting costs.

Following me now, moron?

These profits incurr large capital gains and dividends taxes for shareholders.

Still following me you idiot?

Clinton facilitated the divesture of american manufacturing to China. The people who did it got rich but paid a lot of taxes in the process.

I hope this is now perfectly clear in your tiny empty brain.
.... and by the Republican congress who passed the "contract with America." Clinton could have vetoed that, but would have paid a price for it.
Congress is where money is appropriated .... Presidents can influence that, but not control it except by veto.

Clinton also had several chances to take out Bin Laden and didn't have the guts to do it ..... That mistake has cost us money ever since.

Most of the time a republican president is having to rebuild defense after being decimated the previous administration.
Its worse than that. Note that every time Al Qaeda attacked our assets, Clinton talked tough but didnt actually lift a finger to take action. Remember the Khobar Towers bombing? Clinton promised justice to victims families but it took Bush to actually do something.
Or the USS Cole. He just left that ship with a gaping hole in it, "like a dog licking his wounds".
And what did Clinton actually do as CinC?
Bombed an aspirin factory.
This is what happens when you elect your typical milquetoast limp wrist democrat. Theyre more scared of the far left in their own party than anything.
So at every turn Al Qaeda becomes more emboldened.

Biden is more or the same. Afghanistan showed the world what he is made of.
Couldnt fight his way out of a paper bag.
Hey fucktard, read this as slow as you have to so you dont say something stupid again.

Clinton created an atmosphere encouraging corporations to close their US factories and get their goods from China instead.

You got that, dipshit?

When corporations lay people off and sell brick and mortar assets like factories, theres a chargeoff but in the short term their stock prices soar because theyre cutting costs.

Following me now, moron?

These profits incurr large capital gains and dividends taxes for shareholders.

Still following me you idiot?

Clinton facilitated the divesture of american manufacturing to China. The people who did it got rich but paid a lot of taxes in the process.

I hope this is now perfectly clear in your tiny empty brain.

Damn.. you're a dumbass. Unbelievable.. The information is available everywhere and yet you seem to want to get it from idiots r us dot com or whatever stupid ass websites you visit.

You even blamed democrats for the national debt/budget problem... What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, you must be smoking pot or something to be that idiotic.

Go check the unemployment rates by year.. I know you're a bit slower than the average person, but here's a hint.... when corporations lay people off enmass, the unemployment rate goes up, not down.

Say no to drugs. You've gone batshit stupid..
Damn.. you're a dumbass. Unbelievable.. The information is available everywhere and yet you seem to want to get it from idiots r us dot com or whatever stupid ass websites you visit.

You even blamed democrats for the national debt/budget problem... What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, you must be smoking pot or something to be that idiotic.

Go check the unemployment rates by year.. I know you're a bit slower than the average person, but here's a hint.... when corporations lay people off enmass, the unemployment rate goes up, not down.

Say no to drugs. You've gone batshit stupid..
Service jobs replaced lost manufacturing jobs. Why am I not surprised at your complete lack of integrity helping to cover for Clintons failures?
Blue koolaid drinking loser. Suck it.
New York Post

When it comes to debt, Joe Biden is the Six Trillion Dollar Man
By Stephen Moore
February 23, 2023 8:05pm Updated
Joe Biden
President Biden added $6.5 trillion of red ink to the Trump baseline he inherited.
NY Post composite
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest presidential spender of them all?

Joe Biden wins that award by a landslide. That’s the depressing result from our new study at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, based on the latest official money and budget forecasts from the Congressional Budget Office.

This may be a surprising conclusion given that Biden keeps touting his line that “we’ve cut the deficit drastically.” He even claims that last year he slashed the deficit by more than $1.4 trillion while boasting that this is “the largest debt reduction in American history.”

Every president has been prone to a bit of exaggeration on their record in office, but this one isn’t even within the galaxy of the truth.

Our new analysis of the latest CBO forecast covering the next 10 years reveals the most rapid deterioration of the federal balance sheet ever.

We compared the 10-year fiscal outlook the month Donald Trump left office with the latest forecast just two years later. This comparison indicates some $6.5 trillion of red ink ADDED by Biden to the Trump baseline he inherited. In other words, instead of Biden engineering “the largest debt reduction in history,” Biden has accomplished the polar opposite result: the largest debt INCREASE in American history.”

Grocery store
Inflation and federal spending have soared during the Biden administration.

Here are the numbers:

In February 2021, publicly held debt was $35.3 trillion, with gross debt — which includes borrowed money that must be repaid to the Social Security and Medicare trust funds — hitting $40 trillion.
Two years later, in February 2023, those figures were $40.9 trillion and $46.7 trillion respectively.
That means President Biden added $5.6 trillion to the publicly held debt, and $6.7 trillion to the gross debt.

The national debt is now scheduled to hit $50 trillion just 10 years from now — that’s roughly five years ahead of earlier forecasts.

This ocean of red ink is particularly inexcusable given that the COVID pandemic was essentially ending when Biden entered office. The debt shouldn’t be rising with the crisis long over; it should be shrinking fast. We should be running surpluses.

Think about it this way: If Biden had been president in 1946 and he applied the same economic tactics that he is using now, he would have run up the deficit to record levels AFTER World War II came to an end.

How is it that Biden has allowed debt spending to explode into the stratosphere so rapidly in such a short period of time?

There are four explanations:

First, Biden and the progressives seized on the “crisis” (that was coming to an end) as an excuse to pass four major spending bills in two years — which added at least $4 trillion to the debt right out of the gate. To borrow a phrase from former Barack Obama chief of staff: they didn’t let the crisis go to waste. They used COVID as camouflage to disguise it to prop up a progressive social welfare spending budget blowout on programs like the Green New Deal and a bailout of blue state budgets.

Second, Bidenflation caused the cost of government purchases to rise for everything from federal construction projects to food for the troops — just like the cost of everything else in the economy is surging.
Third, interest expenditures on the debt have been exploding because the government was borrowing at record levels.
Fourth, as inflation sprinted to above 9% last summer, the rise of “Bidenflation” forced the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates eight times. Rates are almost three percentage points higher, which has increased Uncle Sam’s borrowing costs by trillions of dollars.

We now find ourselves in the throes of a financial vicious cycle. The more Biden spends and borrows, the more inflation goes up, which in turn causes interest rates to rise, which requires more and more spending that is simply financing the cost of the $32 trillion debt.

If all of this isn’t bad enough, in five years the interest payments on the debt will reach $1 trillion a year and that will be more than we spend each year on our national defense.

In short, Biden’s multitrillion-dollar shopping spree isn’t just an economic and financial crisis, it is putting our national security in danger as well. Pretending it isn’t happening with happy talk about cutting the deficit is only insulting and witless.

Republicans aren’t blameless in this Washington spending splurge. But they can’t back down in budget negotiations. They can’t capitulate to the Biden demand that Congress raise the federal government’s credit-card limit without any plan to slow down the spending and borrowing juggernaut.
Service jobs replaced lost manufacturing jobs. Why am I not surprised at your complete lack of integrity helping to cover for Clintons failures?
Blue koolaid drinking loser. Suck it.
Clinton's had all kinds of failures.. I didn't like him... I voted for Perot.. but the economy was not one of his failures. Not because he was some genius or anything, but because he was in the right place at the right time.

As for manufacturing jobs, they actually increased under Clinton.. Man, you are a dumbass.. I suppose that makes sense since this information is easily available but you're to damn stupid to know how to look it up.. Here, I'll give you a freebee... (see chart)
Under Reagan and Bush #1, durable goods employment steadily fell until 1993.. I know you're a dumbass so I'll fill in the blanks.. Clinton was elected in 1993.. at which time manufacturing climbed again until 2001 when Bush #2 took over and tanked it again....

For fucks sakes you're a special kind of stupid. In fact, almost every damn thing you say in this forum is the opposite of what is true.. That tells me two things.. 1) You smoke pot and its making you stupid and 2) You get your information from crack head websites.

Clinton's had all kinds of failures.. I didn't like him... I voted for Perot.. but the economy was not one of his failures. Not because he was some genius or anything, but because he was in the right place at the right time.

As for manufacturing jobs, they actually increased under Clinton.. Man, you are a dumbass.. I suppose that makes sense since this information is easily available but you're to damn stupid to know how to look it up.. Here, I'll give you a freebee... (see chart)
Under Reagan and Bush #1, durable goods employment steadily fell until 1993.. I know you're a dumbass so I'll fill in the blanks.. Clinton was elected in 1993.. at which time manufacturing climbed again until 2001 when Bush #2 took over and tanked it again....

For fucks sakes you're a special kind of stupid. In fact, almost every damn thing you say in this forum is the opposite of what is true.. That tells me two things.. 1) You smoke pot and its making you stupid and 2) You get your information from crack head websites.

View attachment 152926
"In President Clinton’s final three years in office, more than 430,000 manufacturing jobs were lost"

I guess someone is lying.
"In President Clinton’s final three years in office, more than 430,000 manufacturing jobs were lost"

I guess someone is lying.
Dude, there's a graph right in front of your eyes..

Ok.. You are literally too stupid to argue with.. You're either a Russian troll or you've smoked so much pot that its turned you into a moron.

I was at the height of my carrier during the last half of the 90's and our manufacturing company of 200 people was growing faster than I could keep up working 80 to 100 hour weeks.

You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. Please stop doing drugs, they've already made you dumb, its only going to get worse.
Dude, there's a graph right in front of your eyes..

Ok.. You are literally too stupid to argue with.. You're either a Russian troll or you've smoked so much pot that its turned you into a moron.

I was at the height of my carrier during the last half of the 90's and our manufacturing company of 200 people was growing faster than I could keep up working 80 to 100 hour weeks.

You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. Please stop doing drugs, they've already made you dumb, its only going to get worse.
Go fuck yourself asshole. Department of labor is notorious for redefining and recatagorizing sectors to hide bad trends. I provided references. Youre a stupid cock sucking ass pirate if you dont realize that Bill Clinton oversaw the exodus of manufacturing jobs to China. Pay attention while you got your mommas dick in your mouth, theres a whole world out there.

Oh and your one company is supposed to represent the entire US economy? What a moronic, stupid, idiotic thing to say. ANECDOTAL. LOOK IT UP. Idiot.

And eat me. Oh wait your sister isnt done yet.
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The Tragic Legacy of Bill Clinton’s China Doctrine
At the dawn of the millennium, the promise of China’s integration into the international community seemed utterly convincing.

President Bill Clinton delivers a speech at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, March 8, 2000. CSPAN screenshot.

Lisa Van Dusen
August 10, 2020

On March 8, 2000, then-President Bill Clinton delivered his most persuasive pitch to Washington’s foreign policy elite, Congress and the international community on the merits of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). With a key vote looming, the case was made in a speech at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on Embassy Row.

Clinton, having been impeached over a year earlier, had been clearly casting about for a legacy that did not involve Monica Lewinsky. His headlong attempt to salvage the Middle East Peace Process had not yet imploded at Camp David II.

As he outlined the arguments in favour of the most potentially consequential step toward the integration of China’s economy into the rules-based multilateral system since Jimmy Carter’s normalization of relations with Beijing in 1979, Clinton portrayed the decision, to use a term favoured by the party of the second part, as a “win-win”.

“Membership in the W.T.O., of course, will not create a free society in China overnight or guarantee that China will play by global rules,” Clinton said that day. “But over time, I believe it will move China faster and further in the right direction.”

Two decades later, China has patently not moved faster and further in the right direction, unless you consider exploiting its own membership to corrupt multilateral institutions from the WTO to the World Health Organization to the United Nations itself the right direction.

“I believe the choice between economic rights and human rights, between economic security and national security, is a false one,” Clinton said that day.

Over the past two decades, China has proven that, indeed, the choice between economic security and national security is a false one by conducting a wholesale hacking and sacking operation against U.S. intellectual property that effectively enabled the modernization of China’s economy at the expense of U.S. competitiveness, and provided China with the economic leverage to produce an archipelago of debt-trapped suzerainties using the Belt & Road infrastructure project as a cudgel with which to decimate democracy, which Beijing sees as an existential threat. If this sequence of events had not seriously undermined U.S. national security, the current president of the United States would not himself be in the process of staging a multi-front, anti-democracy coup ahead of an election that would, left uncorrupted, make possible the restoration of America’s global power and influence. (Whatever you may have heard on the street, China does not want Joe Biden to win this election).

“We have a far greater chance of having a positive influence on China’s actions if we welcome China into the world community instead of shutting it out,” Clinton also said.

While hindsight is, as the great Billy Wilder said, 2020 vision, one could argue that the ways in which China was “welcomed into the world community” may have been less than optimal. As then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said during his testimony before the United States Senate Intelligence Committee in February, 2019, “While we were sleeping in the last decade and a half, China had a remarkable rise in capabilities that are stunning.” Which is sort of like admitting that you snored through a home invasion during which someone hacked your laptop, stole all your money, slept with your wife and poisoned your dog — only you’re not Rob Petrie living in an unlocked New Rochelle bungalow in 1964, you’re the most well-funded, technologically omniscient, covertly omnipotent intelligence behemoth in history.

Which is sort of like admitting that you snored through a home invasion during which someone hacked your laptop, stole all your money, slept with your wife and poisoned your dog — only you’re not Rob Petrie living in an unlocked New Rochelle bungalow in 1964, you’re the most well-funded, technologically omniscient, covertly omnipotent intelligence behemoth in history.
“By lowering the barriers that protect state-owned industries, China is speeding a process that is removing government from vast areas of people’s lives,” Clinton surmised.

Hard to know where to begin with that one, given the massive expansion of China’s surveillance state, the people being herded into concentration camps, the internet firewall, the Orwellian censorship, the police intimidation and the elaborate system of surveillance and humint-informed social engineering designed to reward acquiescence and punish dissent (kind of like cancel culture, but with far less opaque criteria).

But at least the people of Hong Kong were onside.

“The people of Hong Kong agree,” Clinton reassured that day. “I recently received a letter from Martin Lee, the leader of Hong Kong’s Democratic Party, who has spent a lifetime struggling for free elections and free expression for his people,” he reported. “He wrote to me that this agreement, and I want to quote it, ‘This agreement,’ and I quote, ‘represents the best long-term hope for China to become a member of good standing in the international community.’”

Martin Lee, now 82 and known in Hong Kong as the Father of Democracy, was arrested for the first time in April for protesting the imposition of China’s draconian new security law. In an op-ed in the Washington Post following his release, titled I was arrested in Hong Kong. It’s part of China’s larger plan, Lee wrote, “Hong Kong people now face two plagues from China: the coronavirus and attacks on our most basic human rights.”

On that day back in 2000, Bill Clinton also addressed the question of contagion.

“As Justice Earl Warren once said, liberty is the most contagious force in the world,” he said.

Almost nobody could have foreseen how terribly ironic that would seem, in hindsight.
We dont have to wonder why clinton liked china so much. Just like hunter and the big guy. Why do you support crooks selling out America?

Findings Link Clinton Allies to Chinese Intelligence
By Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 10, 1998; Page A01

Mochtar Riady and his son, James, who control the Indonesian-based Lippo Group conglomerate and have been friends and supporters of President Clinton since his days as Arkansas governor, "have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency," according to an unclassified final draft of a report by the Senate committee that last year investigated campaign finance abuses.
Go fuck yourself asshole. Department of labor is notorious for redefining and recatagorizing sectors to hide bad trends. I provided references. Youre a stupid cock sucking ass pirate if you dont realize that Bill Clinton oversaw the exodus of manufacturing jobs to China. Pay attention while you got your mommas dick in your mouth, theres a whole world out there.

Oh and your one company is supposed to represent the entire US economy? What a moronic, stupid, idiotic thing to say. ANECDOTAL. LOOK IT UP. Idiot.

And eat me. Oh wait your sister isnt done yet.

Oh... SNAP

He likes to be abusive, I was just speaking his language so he could understand.

Hes typically one of the most full of shit posters here because his intent is pure trolling.

Look at his initial post:

"Seems to me the democrats want to spend too much money and the republicans are going to intentionally create a default in order to gain political ammunition.

The dems need to stop spending our tax payer dollars like a teenage girl with daddy's credit card.. and the republicans need to stop using these types of issues as bargaining or blackmail opportunities."

Then a few posts later while trying to question my talking points he has reversed to this:

"Republicans are mostly responsible.. Not equally.. mostly... Is your knowledge of our national debt really that bad?"

Pure trolling, just trying to be argumentive and he filled that post with unnecessary ad hominem attacks.

Hes just being a dick, thats what he likes to do. We should have been agreeing on many issues toward progressive discourse but that would make his real goal of belittling me impossible.

As for my comments well close your eyes and think of Mike Myers on SNL doing Sean Connery on Jeopardy.

"I just got done with your mother last night, Alex."
He likes to be abusive, I was just speaking his language so he could understand.

Hes typically one of the most full of shit posters here because his intent is pure trolling.

Look at his initial post:

"Seems to me the democrats want to spend too much money and the republicans are going to intentionally create a default in order to gain political ammunition.
The current batch of democrats wants to spend tax payer dollars on too many entitlement programs. Welfare and food cards, college loan forgiveness, etc.

The dems need to stop spending our tax payer dollars like a teenage girl with daddy's credit card.. and the republicans need to stop using these types of issues as bargaining or blackmail opportunities."

Then a few posts later while trying to question my talking points he has reversed to this:

"Republicans are mostly responsible.. Not equally.. mostly... Is your knowledge of our national debt really that bad?"
Because the previous batches of republicans did spend too much money. To be fair, we can lump Obama in with them.. he should have let the big corporations fall with the natural selection of the free market.

Pure trolling, just trying to be argumentive and he filled that post with unnecessary ad hominem attacks.

Hes just being a dick, thats what he likes to do. We should have been agreeing on many issues toward progressive discourse but that would make his real goal of belittling me impossible.

As for my comments well close your eyes and think of Mike Myers on SNL doing Sean Connery on Jeopardy.

"I just got done with your mother last night, Alex."
The problem is that people like you are ignorant and polarized to the point of being sheepole morons. Those who are liberal democrats think democrats can do no wrong, and those who are conservative republicans think republicans can do no wrong.

When you support your political party or candidate regardless of their behavior or policies, you are part of the problem.

The other problem with people like you is that you don't read books.. You're part of the video game generation who sits in front of a television for hours every day being programmed to think whatever they tell you to think.

You've made multiple recurring false statements and repeatedly post misinformation links over and over...

If you don't like the treatment, stop doing it.

Since it has become obvious you're kind of slow to learn, I'll clear things up for you a bit.... Hmm.. wait.. Nope, I changed my mind and I'm not going to do that because I just remembered "STUPID CAN'T BE FIXED"
"You've made multiple recurring false statements and repeatedly post misinformation links over and over..."

Claims which you have never and will never prove. You mocked my statements in this very thread, not one of which you ever proved false.

What do you call "books"? I dont buy printed material, its all on the internet. Im a voracious reader of everything and Im quite certain my reading speed is twice or better than you and anyone else on the forum. I only make that boast because I was a freak at reading as a child. In yearly placement tests in 2nd and 4th grade, I had the highest reading speeds of anyone in my grade in the entire Santa Clara County Unified School District. Over 1000 wpm. That didnt make me a genius but I had the ability to absorb a lot of material in a very short time. I typically read the whole semesters textbook right in class while the teacher gave lessons by the end of the first week, and never, ever took home homework.

You seem like a smart guy, show a sense of reality and recognize you dont know what I read or know. You dont evennl have access to the media form I do. I have access to millions of books in the palm of my hand 24 hours a day. I surprise myself even looking at one days internet history sometimes, how much knowledge passes before me.

Hilarious you repeatedly referred to me as "people like you".

Just stick to me, and what I say. Do not project with caricatures of imaginary opponents in your mind. Its a cheap trick people try to use to get debate opponents to try and defend positions not their own just because of party affiliation. I aint going for it.
Its not healthy for you, I, or anyone reading these threads, when you think youre arguing against someone who represents everything you despise about your political opposition.

Anyway I stand behind my claim you were trolling and completely reversed your position stated in your first post. Anyone can read your own words on the first page. You stated twice democrats were spending too much.

diy solar

diy solar