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Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.


Solar Wizard
Feb 25, 2021
So just like the "laptop is russian disinfo" propaganda, it seems virtually the entire media has been complicit with Joes criminal activity. They all reported that Shokin wasnt investigating. The first impeachment of Trump was a scam.

Democrat gaslighting. Its all they do.

"He was a threat,” Archer explained. “He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets.”

Shokin won a court order on Feb. 2, 2016 and seized Zlochevsky’s property. Shokin was fired roughly two months later on March 29. Biden later bragged that he demanded that Ukraine fire Shokin or else the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in aid."

Another pattern here.... Zlochevsky, the Bidens corrupt benefactor, fled to Russia never to be seen again. And the Mayor if Moscows wife, who gifted Hunter $3 million and had dinner with Joe himself, was one of the few Russian oligarchs to be exempted from sanctions because of the Ukraine invasion.

Who is really colluding with Russia? Who is really Putins puppet?
The guy who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" seems gullible enough to fall for conspiracy theories and misinformation.

Go figure..


So just like the "laptop is russian disinfo" propaganda, it seems virtually the entire media has been complicit with Joes criminal activity. They all reported that Shokin wasnt investigating. The first impeachment of Trump was a scam.

Democrat gaslighting. Its all they do.

"He was a threat,” Archer explained. “He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets.”

Shokin won a court order on Feb. 2, 2016 and seized Zlochevsky’s property. Shokin was fired roughly two months later on March 29. Biden later bragged that he demanded that Ukraine fire Shokin or else the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in aid."

Another pattern here.... Zlochevsky, the Bidens corrupt benefactor, fled to Russia never to be seen again. And the Mayor if Moscows wife, who gifted Hunter $3 million and had dinner with Joe himself, was one of the few Russian oligarchs to be exempted from sanctions because of the Ukraine invasion.

Who is really colluding with Russia? Who is really Putins puppet?

Democrats falsely accused Trump of doing what they were actually doing.

Rules for radicals 101.
The guy who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" seems gullible enough to fall for conspiracy theories and misinformation.

Go figure..

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You obviously retired too early since the most your paltry income enables you to do is call people who are smarter than you dumb.

Which we know is just projection.
Your jealousy is showing.. you might want to zip that up.

Nobody is jealous of a hypocrite who cannot afford the lifestyle that he is telling others they have to live in order to be non carbon-emitting beings.

You don't own an electric vehicle because you can't afford it and you have to heat your house with wood like a third-worlder because you can't afford first-world fuel.

Yet you live this fantasy where you for some reason think you're going to force others to do what you cannot do yourself. You think you're in an elite club...You're not.

I get bored of calling out liberal hypocrisy but for you I'll make an exception.
Nobody is jealous of a hypocrite who cannot afford the lifestyle that he is telling others they have to live in order to be non carbon-emitting beings.

You don't own an electric vehicle because you can't afford it and you have to heat your house with wood like a third-worlder because you can't afford first-world fuel.

Yet you live this fantasy where you for some reason think you're going to force others to do what you cannot do yourself. You think you're in an elite club...You're not.

I get bored of calling out liberal hypocrisy but for you I'll make an exception.
Is that what goes for insulting someone in Russia?

Watching you get pissed off at the world is oddly satisfying.. seeing you wallow in your pathetic conspiracies thinking everyone's involved in some giant plot you're not part of is entertainment you just can't buy.. There really is no subscription to see genuinely stupid people pour out their idiotic ideas.

Every time you post one of these liberal rants, they want to control me rants, they're plotting to harm us rants, I just smile thinking what a colossal idiot you are.... and after talking to you, oddly satisfied that your life sucks so much you would come to a green energy forum to spew your heart out and show everyone the level of absolute suckatude you must live with every day.

There's three or four of you morons in here.. your lives must suck so much there are few words to describe it. Living in an apartment, barely able to pay your bills, thinking there's some secrete plot to get you.. Talk about trailer trash.. For F*cks sakes, if I found myself living your life, I'd probably throw myself out a window.

Your life isn't on display only because of what you say.. even more revealing is what you don't say.. and that's one of those "gotcha moments"..

Please continue.. its comical.. and I'll probably be around a bit more for the next day or two.. I twisted the hell out of my knee digging a trench between the barn and the solar system to install utilities.. Damn knee hurts like hell.. And you're welcome to make fun of it, I know you want to..

Study finds economic inequality promotes belief in conspiracy theories​

Basically, if you're stupid and poor, you might believe in conspiracies. Its your brain's way of blaming someone else for your problems.
There's three or four of you morons in here.. your lives must suck so much there are few words to describe it. Living in an apartment, barely able to pay your bills, thinking there's some secrete plot to get you.. Talk about trailer trash.. For F*cks sakes, if I found myself living your life, I'd probably throw myself out a window.

What's funny about this is that i do in fact live in a double-wide. Bonus points to you for casting a wide enough net to get something right for once.??

Your life isn't on display only because of what you say.. even more revealing is what you don't say.. and that's one of those "gotcha moments"..

Not sure what this has to do with you not being able to afford a helper to assist you in building a barn or an electric car so you can live the lifestyle you said you're going to force the rest of us to live but aren't living yourself because you can't afford to.

Please continue.. its comical.. and I'll probably be around a bit more for the next day or two.. I twisted the hell out of my knee digging a trench between the barn and the solar system to install utilities.. Damn knee hurts like hell.. And you're welcome to make fun of it, I know you want to..

Much obliged.

So you can't afford to buy or even rent an excavator and have to hand-dig a trench? Bro, come on.

Study finds economic inequality promotes belief in conspiracy theories​

Basically, if you're stupid and poor, you might believe in conspiracies. Its your brain's way of blaming someone else for your problems.

I never said I wasn't stupid and poor.

I only ever said that you're the same as the rest of us. However, I'm starting to think maybe you're less than since you're older and retired too early and so you don't really have enough money to enjoy it.
What's funny about this is that i do in fact live in a double-wide. Bonus points to you for casting a wide enough net to get something right for once.??
So you are trailer trash.. Cast a wide enough net? It's either a trailer on wheels or it isn't.. There are only 4 choices for a residence.. Own your own home, rent someone else's, or live in a trailer.. well, some folks also live in 1/2 million dollar RV's or boats, but that's not you. You're just trailer trash.

How dumb does someone have to be to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a home that goes DOWN in value as it ages? You probably pay lot fees too..

No wonder you're pissed off at the world.. your life sucks..


Not sure what this has to do with you not being able to afford a helper to assist you in building a barn or an electric car so you can live the lifestyle you said you're going to force the rest of us to live but aren't living yourself because you can't afford to.
Because I like doing things myself.. I might complain about things, but in the end, I enjoy doing the work myself. I'll do a better job and pay more attention to the fine details, I'll save money doing it, and if I'm doing something new, I'll learn something new.

Much obliged.

So you can't afford to buy or even rent an excavator and have to hand-dig a trench? Bro, come on.
An excavator wouldn't fit into the area I'm digging. I could rent a trencher, but they want $400 and I'm not willing to pay that because I'm not in a big hurry. And the exercise is good for me.

And yes, I'm frugal and stingy with my money.. which is WHY I can afford everything else and pay cash.
I never said I wasn't stupid and poor.

I only ever said that you're the same as the rest of us. However, I'm starting to think maybe you're less than since you're older and retired too early and so you don't really have enough money to enjoy it.
I am not even remotely the same as you.. not even in the same ballpark. I'm a rather normal person.. you are the one coming to an obscure green energy website posting anti-green energy propaganda..

You're a pathetic idiot who's pissed off at the world because your trailer trash life sucks.. I do not have such problems, which is why I don't log onto websites to spread my conspiracy opinions that the world is out to harm me or that everything is corrupt.

YOU do that because your life sucks and your alcohol trashed stoned brain can't accept responsibility for your own choices..

Your own postings in here have given you away as someone who is very unhappy, very pissed off at the world, and very ignorant.

Tell me again how natural gas lines can't freeze.. you dumb ass..

You want to have a better life? Start reading.. Read about 100 books a year to catch up.. In about 10 years, you'll be better off than you are today.
How dumb does someone have to be to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a home that goes DOWN in value as it ages? You probably pay lot fees too..

Well no, I paid $170k for the acreage and trailer 20 years ago and it's worth just under $900k now. It's a manufactured home so yes I am trailer trash but elite trailer trash since it's a double-wide.
No wonder you're pissed off at the world.. your life sucks..


It's not perfect but it's not that bad. Ya know? I'm not on the internet calling everyone stupid all the time if that's what you mean.
Because I like doing things myself.. I might complain about things, but in the end, I enjoy doing the work myself. I'll do a better job and pay more attention to the fine details, I'll save money doing it, and if I'm doing something new, I'll learn something new.

It's a trench. At your age and harvard-level of understanding, I would hope that a dirt trench wouldn't present you with any unexpected challenges.

Then again you did blow out your knee so maybe I overestimated your capabilities.

An excavator wouldn't fit into the area I'm digging. I could rent a trencher, but they want $400 and I'm not willing to pay that because I'm not in a big hurry. And the exercise is good for me.

And yes, I'm frugal and stingy with my money.. which is WHY I can afford everything else and pay cash.

if $400.00 hurts your bank account then you retired before your investments were ready.

Back to the grind with you.
I am not even remotely the same as you.. not even in the same ballpark. I'm a rather normal person.. you are the one coming to an obscure green energy website posting anti-green energy propaganda..

You're a pathetic idiot who's pissed off at the world because your trailer trash life sucks.. I do not have such problems, which is why I don't log onto websites to spread my conspiracy opinions that the world is out to harm me or that everything is corrupt.

YOU do that because your life sucks and your alcohol trashed stoned brain can't accept responsibility for your own choices..

Your own postings in here have given you away as someone who is very unhappy, very pissed off at the world, and very ignorant.

Tell me again how natural gas lines can't freeze.. you dumb ass..

You want to have a better life? Start reading.. Read about 100 books a year to catch up.. In about 10 years, you'll be better off than you are today.

You're on the exact same boat as me, batvette, grizzman etc.

You're no more intelligent or better off than us.
Well no, I paid $170k for the acreage and trailer 20 years ago and it's worth just under $900k now. It's a manufactured home so yes I am trailer trash but elite trailer trash since it's a double-wide.
Did you just say "elite trailer trash" ?? Holy shit...
It's not perfect but it's not that bad. Ya know? I'm not on the internet calling everyone stupid all the time if that's what you mean.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck..

If you don't want to be called stupid, don't say stupid things.

It's a trench. At your age and harvard-level of understanding, I would hope that a dirt trench wouldn't present you with any unexpected challenges.

Then again you did blow out your knee so maybe I overestimated your capabilities.
I keep overestimating my own abilities.. I'm no spring chicken anymore.. The only comfort is that my doctor says my attitude is normal for my age.

if $400.00 hurts your bank account then you retired before your investments were ready.

Back to the grind with you.
$400? Shit.. I worry about things as small at $20.

That's the difference right there between how you think and how I think.. Stupid poor people get $100 in their pocket and spend it.. Financially secure people know better..
I can spend $400 or even $4000 and not even blink at it.. Heck, I could spend $20k and not even have to go to the bank and it wouldn't hurt me.. but I don't.. because even $20 is important to me. I wear out my clothes until they are stained with holes, and then I save even those for the days I have to paint or dig a ditch.. I take care of my tools, take care of my house, and I keep my money.. and when I do buy something, its only after I have considered if I really need to purchase it.
In fact, if you saw me on an average day, you'd probably think I'm homeless or near it.. because I don't waste money on consumer junk meant to boost my ego or make me look good.

I would never ever buy a tinfoil home that goes down in value...
Did you just say "elite trailer trash" ?? Holy shit...

Yes, it's a double-wide. If I was ultra-elite it would be a triple-wide!?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck..

If you don't want to be called stupid, don't say stupid things.

Like ashes are a good source of carbon?

I keep overestimating my own abilities.. I'm no spring chicken anymore..


$400? Shit.. I worry about things as small at $20.

Sad. $400.00 to rent an excavator to dig a utility trench would be a smart way of spending $400.00, especially when you consider the fact that your knee may now require surgery which is easily Trumps the cost of renting the excavator.

That's the difference right there between how you think and how I think.. Stupid poor people get $100 in their pocket and spend it.. Financially secure people know better..
I can spend $400 or even $4000 and not even blink at it.. Heck, I could spend $20k and not even have to go to the bank and it wouldn't hurt me.. but I don't.. because even $20 is important to me. I wear out my clothes until they are stained with holes, and then I save even those for the days I have to paint or dig a ditch.. I take care of my tools, take care of my house, and I keep my money.. and when I do buy something, its only after I have considered if I really need to purchase it.
In fact, if you saw me on an average day, you'd probably think I'm homeless or near it.. because I don't waste money on consumer junk meant to boost my ego or make me look good.

I agree that you probably don't care about how well kept you look. Most people nowadays don't. The rich software geeks wear their fucking pajamas to the grocery store.
I would never ever buy a tinfoil home that goes down in value...

Why do you think manufactured homes go down in value? Is it because you don't know what you're talking about as usual?

And thank you for letting the internet know you keep at least $20k in cash sitting in your house. That is a weird and foolish flex.
Speaking of tin boxes that go down in value, my idiot ass built a cabin out or a shipping container where I did in fact think I would never get my money back but would have a cool little retreat.

That piece of property is now worth 10 times what I paid for it 12 years ago.

How weird is that?
So just like the "laptop is russian disinfo" propaganda, it seems virtually the entire media has been complicit with Joes criminal activity. They all reported that Shokin wasnt investigating. The first impeachment of Trump was a scam.

Democrat gaslighting. Its all they do.

"He was a threat,” Archer explained. “He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets.”

Shokin won a court order on Feb. 2, 2016 and seized Zlochevsky’s property. Shokin was fired roughly two months later on March 29. Biden later bragged that he demanded that Ukraine fire Shokin or else the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in aid."

Another pattern here.... Zlochevsky, the Bidens corrupt benefactor, fled to Russia never to be seen again. And the Mayor if Moscows wife, who gifted Hunter $3 million and had dinner with Joe himself, was one of the few Russian oligarchs to be exempted from sanctions because of the Ukraine invasion.

Who is really colluding with Russia? Who is really Putins puppet?

Is anyone really suprised by this? Former USSR republics are some of the most corrupt places on earth (I lived in one), although lately the collective "West" definitely gives the old USSR a run for its money when it comes to corruption and grift.... Wow
Like ashes are a good source of carbon?
Actually, charcoal is a good source of carbon, the ashes thing was MY MISTAKE.. You and the other stooges should learn to learn from your mistakes, instead, you double down and keep making them.

Sad. $400.00 to rent an excavator to dig a utility trench would be a smart way of spending $400.00, especially when you consider the fact that your knee may now require surgery which is easily Trumps the cost of renting the excavator.
From zero to stupid eh? When you get a paper cut, do you consider you might have to have the finger amputated?

I agree that you probably don't care about how well kept you look. Most people nowadays don't. The rich software geeks wear their fucking pajamas to the grocery store.
That's right.. They don't need to care what others think, don't need to impress anyone.

Why do you think manufactured homes go down in value? Is it because you don't know what you're talking about as usual?
And thank you for letting the internet know you keep at least $20k in cash sitting in your house. That is a weird and foolish flex.
I didn't say I keep $20k in cash in my house.. You seriously have a reading problem. That's probably contributing to your issues.
Actually, charcoal is a good source of carbon, the ashes thing was MY MISTAKE.. You and the other stooges should learn to learn from your mistakes, instead, you double down and keep making them.

From zero to stupid eh? When you get a paper cut, do you consider you might have to have the finger amputated?

That's right.. They don't need to care what others think, don't need to impress anyone.


I didn't say I keep $20k in cash in my house.. You seriously have a reading problem. That's probably contributing to your issues.
How is building a barn frugal?
Im not sure why Murphy keeps entering threads and steering the discussion around to how smart he is, or how only he is good at saving money, and the rest of us just blow through cash like the son of the guy he voted for. I mean who doesnt love ⁹being around someone so conceited? This guy is so smart he thinks being a complete narcisstic asshole will be endearing to others?

Meanwhile what are these conspiracy theories? Everything democrats have claimed about Trump has been conspiracy theories.

Murphy voted for and continues to support a criminal who commited crimes in office and now sics his DOJ on his opponent to avoid having to run against him.
Actually, charcoal is a good source of carbon, the ashes thing was MY MISTAKE.. You and the other stooges should learn to learn from your mistakes, instead, you double down and keep making them

It was a mistake that didn't have to be made and Harvard Scholar like you should have known better in the first place.

From zero to stupid eh? When you get a paper cut, do you consider you might have to have the finger amputated?

Funny that. I knew if two people who nearly lost their hands because of staph getting into an innocuous cut on their hands.

I know you don't think germs are real but they are.

That's right.. They don't need to care what others think, don't need to impress anyone.

They are the most insecure dudes on the face of the planet. Incels in their pajamas driving to the store in their tesla to buy ice-cream and then take it back home and eat it alone while playing fortnite. Other than the Tesla and money, I'm sure you can totally relate.

I'm just wondering why you think manufactured homes go down in value. If someone makes the mistake of blindly trusting you then you have given them misinformation.

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