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diy solar

War and why?

We are being played.
The goal has always been "the Great Reset". Putin, and Russian Oligarchy is playing their hand as ordered.

We are being played.
The goal has always been "the Great Reset". Putin, and Russian Oligarchy is playing their hand as ordered.

View attachment 178084
I clearly agree that the Great Reset is marching on....... But I see two different faction's "The Globlest's" and the "Nationest's" fighting for dominance in how the world will be controlled .
I clearly agree that the Great Reset is marching on....... But I see two different faction's "The Globlest's" and the "Nationest's" fighting for dominance in how the world will be controlled .

Nationests and Globlests are the 2 sides of the same coin - authoritarianism.
The opposite to that would be individual liberty, but that is being very quickly taken away by both "ests"

Absolutely. It is similar to mafia - you will absolutely have different factions fighting for power within, however, and this is key, when the entire mafia is under threat, they will put aside their differences and unite to protect themselves and screw the populace.

This is why they are implementing the same general policy on their populace, built around the digital control grid that is slowly rolling into place (Digital ID is the absolute key to this, without it this can not proceed further, which is why all efforts are put into digital ID today, under a lot of different pretexts, each pretext designed for a particular popular mentality and demographic)

I have resumed travelling the world this year, and visited several "third world" countries in the former USSR block as well as Europe.
The former USSR block is so way ahead in the digital gulag, its scary (many have an "app" usually maintained by a major bank that in addition to finances has things like your digital passport, digital copy of your driver's license, various titles (real estate, car, etc), various digital govt-issued documents. All in one app. How convenient! At the same time standard institutions such as courts where you could argue something like a traffic ticket are being dismantled with the only way to fight is online, and once you get your "denied" default response, there is nowhere else to turn). Europe is on its way there (Just recently they enacted the universal digital ID act). America (USA) is trailing last, but they are for sure working in it. If you work in the industry and have to deal with national and international banks and anything that has to do with payment - the digital ID ecosystem has moved from being voluntary to mandatory, with increasingly more difficult to "opt out".

What they are doing (and have been doing) is, as first step, tying everything to your "phone number", as this is the most reliable identifier they have for a physical person. The excuse ofcourse is always "your safety", but what they are really doing is aggregating all financial activity around the "phone number" which is trivial to link to physical person.

This trend is also increasing for all non-financial internet activity with more and more "sites" asking your to authenticate via your phone ("phone number again"). This way, they are slowly but surely getting to a point where internet access will be rationed to "physical verification" (i.e all access can be tracked to actual people).

Once that is in place, they will push merger of biometrics with established digital id (of which "phone number" will be used as initial "join-key" for those who understand how databases work).

Once biometric digital ID is in place and in use by say, 80% of people, they will move onto the next phase - CBDC (programmable money), where the said Digital ID will actually enable the next phase. A new crisis will be played and sold to us along the lines of "cyberattack on the banks or utilities" or something of that nature. The solution will be CBDC ofcourse. They will use the crisis to outlaw cash, and with digital ID in place, CBDC will be full steam ahead.

At first they will play well (not to scare the sheep, who will say "see, CDBC are not bad at all, and its CONVINIENT and so safe").
But after some time, nuts will be tightened and slowly but surely, anyone who attempts to not follow the narrative (prohibited speak, refusal to take the next vaccine, exceeding their carbon allowance, eating meat, etc) will quickly be disconnected from the CBDC grid and become an outcast of society.

If we let them.
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Nationests and Globlests are the 2 sides of the same coin - authoritarianism.
The opposite to that would be individual liberty, but that is being very quickly taken away by both "ests"

Absolutely. It is similar to mafia - you will absolutely have different factions fighting for power within, however, and this is key, when the entire mafia is under threat, they will put aside their differences and unite to protect themselves and screw the populace.

This is why they are implementing the same general policy on their populace, built around the digital control grid that is slowly rolling into place (Digital ID is the absolute key to this, without it this can not proceed further, which is why all efforts are put into digital ID today, under a lot of different pretexts, each pretext designed for a particular popular mentality and demographic)

I have resumed travelling the world this year, and visited several "third world" countries in the former USSR block as well as Europe.
The former USSR block is so way ahead in the digital gulag, its scary (many have an "app" usually maintained by a major bank that in addition to finances has things like your digital passport, digital copy of your driver's license, various titles (real estate, car, etc), various digital govt-issued documents. All in one app. How convenient! At the same time standard institutions such as courts where you could argue something like a traffic ticket are being dismantled with the only way to fight is online, and once you get your "denied" default response, there is nowhere else to turn). Europe is on its way there (Just recently they enacted the universal digital ID act). America (USA) is trailing last, but they are for sure working in it. If you work in the industry and have to deal with national and international banks and anything that has to do with payment - the digital ID ecosystem has moved from being voluntary to mandatory, with increasingly more difficult to "opt out".

What they are doing (and have been doing) is, as first step, tying everything to your "phone number", as this is the most reliable identifier they have for a physical person. The excuse ofcourse is always "your safety", but what they are really doing is aggregating all financial activity around the "phone number" which is trivial to link to physical person.

This trend is also increasing for all non-financial internet activity with more and more "sites" asking your to authenticate via your phone ("phone number again"). This way, they are slowly but surely getting to a point where internet access will be rationed to "physical verification" (i.e all access can be tracked to actual people).

Once that is in place, they will push merger of biometrics with established digital id (of which "phone number" will be used as initial "join-key" for those who understand how databases work).

Once biometric digital ID is in place and in use by say, 80% of people, they will move onto the next phase - CBDC (programmable money), where the said Digital ID will actually enable the next phase. A new crisis will be played and sold to us along the lines of "cyberattack on the banks or utilities" or something of that nature. The solution will be CBDC ofcourse. They will use the crisis to outlaw cash, and with digital ID in place, CBDC will be full steam ahead.

At first they will play well (not to scare the sheep, who will say "see, CDBC are not bad at all, and its CONVINIENT and so safe").
But after some time, nuts will be tightened and slowly but surely, anyone who attempts to not follow the narrative (prohibited speak, refusal to take the next vaccine, exceeding their carbon allowance, eating meat, etc) will quickly be disconnected from the CBDC grid and become an outcast of society.

If we let them.
In the US email address is being used similar to phone number.
In the US email address is being used similar to phone number.

Email address is a lot easier to change, although yes, they are trying to by linking THAT to the phone number (i beleve most majors require this for "your security" aka 2FA (dual factor authentication)).
Also when you sign up, i think almost universally they require "text message verification" (I think almost everyone now).

However, you STILL CAN run your own email server (Takes a bit of skill and knowledge) where you can generate email addresses pretty much "on-demand" :). I have been successful in that department due to the nature of my work :) But evenin that department they are slowly narrowing down the walls (i think overwhelming majority of people in the world are on google/microsoft/apple for their email). Narrowing down the walls in this case means they are introducing "rules"in their email systems that "filter" anyone who is not a goog/msft/apple email address, even when those are setup properly with DMARC/SPF/ETC. There is a big effort to shadowban emails from anyone not on a megacorp/megatech domains.

However, with Phone number there is no such option. You can certainly request a "change" from your telco, but they simply link the old one and the new one so there is no point.

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