diy solar

diy solar

Chinese LiFePo battery build

The wireless anti-static wrist strap gives a hint. Even for their showcase look-how-good-our-batteries-are youtube clip they didn't even pay someone that knew enough to realise that a static discharge strap without a connection to the discharge mat & earth is pointless.

Everything is just wedged into a generic box. No proper retention of anything. Given a good jolt that foam used to wedge the BMS in is going to compress and let it move around.

The cells themselves aren't compressed. Pound to penny that the BMS will allow sufficiently high charge current to allow the cells to expand and that would likely split that flimsy box.

The lid itself looks like unreinforced ABS so if the terminals get hot under high current flow they'll soften the surrounding plastic enough for the terminals to move.

It looks like they have used spring washers on the cells to secure the screws, but in the application spring washers are actually reduce the ability of the screw to remain tightened.

I'm sure if I thought about it more I could come up with more, but that's a good start.
If I put that battery on my boat (my main use for solar) all those loose internal connections will corrode in no time. No dielectric grease? The top isn't exactly sealed, just enough glue to hold it on and make opening it to repair a PITA. Then that white goop, ever try and peel that stuff off? It's like 3m 5200, hard as heck to remove or cut. Who knows what that BMS is. I want a BMS I can monitor and cool if needed.

I guess if this thing lasts 5-7 years the buyer will be happy. I just doubt it will unless it's in a very controlled environment.

I just don't see the point when the same thing can be DIY'd much cheaper and much better with serviceable and monitorable (is that a word?) components.
The wireless anti-static wrist strap gives a hint. Even for their showcase look-how-good-our-batteries-are youtube clip they didn't even pay someone that knew enough to realise that a static discharge strap without a connection to the discharge mat & earth is pointless.

Everything is just wedged into a generic box. No proper retention of anything. Given a good jolt that foam used to wedge the BMS in is going to compress and let it move around.

The cells themselves aren't compressed. Pound to penny that the BMS will allow sufficiently high charge current to allow the cells to expand and that would likely split that flimsy box.

The lid itself looks like unreinforced ABS so if the terminals get hot under high current flow they'll soften the surrounding plastic enough for the terminals to move.

It looks like they have used spring washers on the cells to secure the screws, but in the application spring washers are actually reduce the ability of the screw to remain tightened.

I'm sure if I thought about it more I could come up with more, but that's a good start.
Aaaah, Maybe the non grounded anti static wrist band looking thingamajiggy was a cellular wrist phone or pager, hmmm, didja ever think of that, hmmm? ?
I found the random whistling to be extremely disconcerting and totally unnecessary. Why the whistling, was it to keep the worker from falling asleep during this mundane task? And why did the application of the glue for the top cover take longer than assembling the rest of the battery? ?

diy solar

diy solar