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  1. M

    Backfeed Breaker Bus Bar location

    It is at the top, power comes in at the top (A/B lugs on the diagram)
  2. M

    Backfeed Breaker Bus Bar location

    Awesome thanks for the replies. Makes sense now. I am using the 120% rule. I need a 50A breaker, have a 100A main breaker and the bus bar max rating is 125A. So I will be putting the solar backfed breaker at the bottom of the bus bar (panel has power coming into the top).
  3. M

    Backfeed Breaker Bus Bar location

    Planning a PV sytem for my home. Using microinverters. Output AC is going to go through a backfeed breaker in the Main Panel. All the the videos and things I have read say to put the breaker at the bottom of the bus bar. Except my panel includes the schematic below which calls out the top of...

diy solar

diy solar