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  1. S

    Ryobi Zero-Turn Mower SLA to LiFePo4 Conversion - (Updated - Build Complete With Pics!)

    So good news for my conversion, I’m up and running. Balanced the batteries in parallel for a day, then re installed in series. My first time hooking everything up I again got the one clunk and dead mower but I just unplugged and replugged the main Anderson connector and for some reason all was...
  2. S

    Ryobi Zero-Turn Mower SLA to LiFePo4 Conversion - (Updated - Build Complete With Pics!)

    Thanks @Jakeman not yet but I’ll give that a shot if it happens after letting the batteries balance in parallel first. The instructions that came with the batteries actually mention it is recommended to connect in parallel for 12-24 hours prior to using them in series. I just gotta go out and...
  3. S

    Ryobi Zero-Turn Mower SLA to LiFePo4 Conversion - (Updated - Build Complete With Pics!)

    Btw my individual battery readings are 13.50v, 13.56v, 13.53v, 13.39v. Maybe that last one is too out of balance?
  4. S

    Ryobi Zero-Turn Mower SLA to LiFePo4 Conversion - (Updated - Build Complete With Pics!)

    @ryobilifepo4user did you ever figure out your issue? I’m seeing the same thing. Charged 4 12v 100ah ampere time batteries, connected everything the way it was (didn’t replace gauge or change anything else yet), turned the key, one clunk then nothing. Now turning the key doesn’t do anything...
  5. S

    Ryobi Zero-Turn Mower SLA to LiFePo4 Conversion - (Updated - Build Complete With Pics!)

    Like others, I joined the thread specifically for this and don’t have experience so am looking to use four 12v drop ins (ampere time). I’m too worried about screwing something up in a battery build and blowing everything up haha. I’d love to get away with the oem delta-q charger, but also...

diy solar

diy solar