diy solar

diy solar

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  1. M

    New Solax installation, inverter relay keeps entering a permanent cycling self destruct mode

    Interesting point about the DC voltage, hoping that might be in the logs. Suggested to the installers that we could pre-empt Solax asking about connections etc and check the connectors as they were in the area last week. They did, all was fine. A neighbour has an identical installation as mine...
  2. M

    New Solax installation, inverter relay keeps entering a permanent cycling self destruct mode

    Hi, I've just had a new installation using Solax X1-hybrid-G4 7.Kw and 12 Kwh of Solax battery. It's been running for about 3 months. Approximately about once a month the inverter seems to enter an undefined mode of operation. This seems to happen overnight when the battery has discharged down...

diy solar

diy solar