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diy solar

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  1. G

    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    Out of interest I have an open ticket with Solis UK support. They must have done some changes (no notification of what yet etc) on the Inverter as the battery stopped at 19% SOC yesterday afternoon and excess power is now going to battery and not out to grid... see attached screen grabs from...
  2. G

    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    There seems a thread here .... happy we don't feel so alone I guess... My take is that I need to climb into the 10ft high opening into our loft and crawl over to the installation and check what the Inverter is set to .. it has to be the battery BMS settings - FOX is a standard setting...
  3. G

    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    Thanks Tim- I will need to climb up into loft space as this is where Inverter and battery live... I will trawl the Solis manuals etc to see what menu its all in etc... and then try and capture settings... not sure I want to go messing with any settings without being 100% sure ...
  4. G

    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    Hi All Not an electrician and some of this is now going over my head, but new PV install with Solis inverter and Fox battery as above... Issue is according to Solis cloud data we are seeing energy production but battery is only charging "slowly" and at times most of the energy produced is...

diy solar

diy solar