diy solar

diy solar

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  1. R

    Ill start by apologizing. I have the attention span of a a gnat.

    So any suggestion to particular inverter that might be a all in one solution. Or just a particular feature set that I need to make sure I get? I keep seeing these small plug in boxes on each panel. What are those devices? Are they some type of individual energy monitoring device? And also one...
  2. R

    Ill start by apologizing. I have the attention span of a a gnat.

    By the way,,,what I mean by the attention span topic on this thread....... I have read so many post, watched so many videos, and searched so much online that the amount of info I am sorting thru has caused me to become "more dumb". I find myself second guessing everything. It's funny to some...
  3. R

    Ill start by apologizing. I have the attention span of a a gnat.

    Correct. I don't think I will even get close to my actual power needs. But that is ok with me. I just want to take a 550 dollar power bill and knock it down to 250. I just need to know what inverters would have me covered with all the things I'll need built into it. I would even go as far as...
  4. R

    Ill start by apologizing. I have the attention span of a a gnat.

    I am an IT consultant in north alabama. I have a good handle on wiring and electronics. I was recently paid for a IP camera system with a pallet of Waree 545watt solar panels. I have been wanting to supplement my power with solar for a long time. My power bill is always over 500 and sometimes...

diy solar

diy solar