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diy solar

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  1. R

    Lithium ion battery pack to power C-PAP machine for off-grid (backpacking) use

    madmax - you've been very helpful and given me some great ideas to chew on - thanks, much!
  2. R

    Lithium ion battery pack to power C-PAP machine for off-grid (backpacking) use

    Thank you for the valuable insights! I have been attempting to get several different boost converters to work. Maybe I have defective ones, but they work momentarily, then seem to be current limiting several seconds into powering the C-PAP. But then, again, it could be ignorance on my part as...
  3. R

    Lithium ion battery pack to power C-PAP machine for off-grid (backpacking) use

    Yep - they got me, sure as shootin' Thank you for pointing me at the 4s3p battery configuration. Even though it is intuitive (after the fact), I was unaware that there are stock li-ion battery configurations like that. Now I see that there are even commercial sources I can check into - thank...
  4. R

    Lithium ion battery pack to power C-PAP machine for off-grid (backpacking) use

    Yes - the original Transcend - user manual linked to
  5. R

    Lithium ion battery pack to power C-PAP machine for off-grid (backpacking) use

    Sorry, if this is too far off-topic, I understand if it gets promptly moved to the bit bucket. I'm working to put together an economical Lithium battery replacement pack to power my C-PAP machine during backpacking to replace the two $200+ each battery packs I purchased initially, only several...

diy solar

diy solar