diy solar

diy solar

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  1. N8's Mad Max Camper

    New Camper Build Solar Setup

    Thanks for everyone's comments and responses. I really don't want to return this inverter because it seems really hi quality. I'll just box it back up and put it in the garage for my future house/shop solar array. I think I'll just downsize and go with the same brand (Giandel) for this...
  2. N8's Mad Max Camper

    New Camper Build Solar Setup

    Thanks for the Insight! This is just what I was looking for. I was just following what was said in the book on page 15. "Buy the largest inverter that you can afford." It also states that "If you want to run multiple large appliances, buy a 3000+ watt inverter." So the mismatch is going to...
  3. N8's Mad Max Camper

    New Camper Build Solar Setup

    Hello all. This is my first solar project. I'm building the ultimate off grid camper for my family during these weird times. I'm converting a 16 foot Cargo Craft enclosed trailer into a camper. I've already mounted 4 100W Coleman Crystalline panels on the roof (see picture). I'm putting...

diy solar

diy solar