diy solar

diy solar

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    Is there any truth to non net metering, beaing charged?

    Interesting! I was with great lakes energy a few years back and they did not care if you back fed the grid. New house with consumers energy I'm going to assume they are probably going to do the same as dte.
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    Is there any truth to non net metering, beaing charged?

    Interesting, I have yet to find any documentation that states this.
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    Is there any truth to non net metering, beaing charged?

    There is a video on YouTube that states back fed power through a smart meter for non net metering customers are charged for the power beaing put back on the grid? Just wondering if there is any truth to this?
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    New solar setup.

    This is what I have attached to the panels atm.
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    New solar setup.

    Thanks for the reply, I took the wind turbine down a while ago, just using the wind grid tie with the two panels.
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    New solar setup.

    Hello new here, So to make this quick my setup is 2 x 345 watt panels and a wind 600watt gti, wired parallel, my voltage hovers around 40 at full sun. The wind grid tie is putting out 280watts around noon. Now my question, is this so low because of the wind grid tie? It seems like the DC...

diy solar

diy solar