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  1. Nobreach

    Battery ah conversion

    Thks. I forgot that rule, thanks for reminding me.
  2. Nobreach

    Battery ah conversion

    if I wire batteries in series one of them is 12 volt 200 amp hours the other one is 12 volts 100 amp hours, what is the final conversion? 24 volt ?? amp hours.
  3. Nobreach


    thks 12v 50ah paralled will yield 12v 100ah then serialed to 12v 100ah will yield 24v 100ah. My question was wrong sorry.
  4. Nobreach


    I have 2 12v 50ah LiFoPO4 batteries with built-in BMS of the same type as this. Can I parallel these together then series to the 12v 100ah LifoPO4 with BMS to make 24v 200 amp?

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diy solar