diy solar

diy solar

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  1. H

    Cycle range EASUN ISolar-SMX-II-5.6KP

    Many thanks for this insight. I've been pulling my hair out!!:cool:
  2. H

    Weird voltages PV

    OK. Much water under the bridge. The main confusion is that there can be 14, 15 or 16 cells per battery. The popular Pylontech are 15 cells but the 100Ah units I have been buying are all 16 cells so the voltage settings are different. I am using Solar Assistant which gives me total control and...
  3. H

    pylontech rs485 protocol

    Don't Pylontech batteries only have 15 cells. Bulk setting 52.8v. 16 cell batteries expect 58.4v. I don't know if this relevant
  4. H

    Weird voltages PV

    Hi Guys, Thanks for feedback. I'll adjust voltages but these settings are culled from a variety of forums - all experts! When I say the PV voltages vary it's between a few seconds with the variation between 220 and 0 and back to 220 - not right. The 4 panels are in series. 48v x 4. 10 amps. P.S...
  5. H

    Weird voltages PV

    Hi. I am a total solar virgin with Easun hybrid inv. 5k single, 100Ah Lifepo battery and 3 x 460W Amerisolar mono perc 144 and 1 x 450W DSK mono 144) Setting are:- (01) - SBU (02) - 30amp (11) - 30amp (12) - 48v (13) - 51v less utility usage (26) - 52.8v Bulk (27) - 52.5v Float (28) - 51v (29)...

diy solar

diy solar