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  1. Episcopo

    Powmr 3k24v-h Auxiliary Panel Hookup

    This is workshop panel. When I hired the electrician to wire the workshop, I told him I wanted the AC on a dedicated breaker and everything else on two other breakers. Maybe that's why he did it that way? Image below is breaker at house going to workshop.
  2. Episcopo

    Powmr 3k24v-h Auxiliary Panel Hookup

    Cool, I'll check at house. Yeah, everything in workshop is 100% 120volt. Image below shows wires coming from house to breaker box marked with green.
  3. Episcopo

    Powmr 3k24v-h Auxiliary Panel Hookup

    Jumper not breaker, mistyped. Got it. One last question if I may! The AC in going to the auxiliary panel from the house is three wires (I am not using 240 volt). How do I wire that when moving the house AC wires from the sub panel and plugging it into the inverter instead? Do I pair the black...
  4. Episcopo

    Powmr 3k24v-h Auxiliary Panel Hookup

    Ohhhhhhh ok, it wasn't working properly when I tried yesterday because I didn't have a bridge going between L1 and L2. Regarding ground, I've read many different posts on grounding this inverter - heard on where to put the AC out ground and the breaker - it would be grounded through the ground...
  5. Episcopo

    Powmr 3k24v-h Auxiliary Panel Hookup

    Hello! I have a PowMr 3000 watt hybrid inverter with seven 400 watt panels. All is working well buttttttt: I have this setup in a 200 square foot workshop separate from my main house. My goals: 1) supply the workshop's power needs fully to the extent possible (I need more batteries for that - I...

diy solar

diy solar