diy solar

diy solar

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  1. placetobe

    API control of SMA Home Manager to charge battery based on tariff

    Javascript I understand. Registers on inverters not so much. We'll see.
  2. placetobe

    API control of SMA Home Manager to charge battery based on tariff

    My firmware is 3.30.12.R. I'm assuming it's safe to use the 3.20.09.R list. I'm not familiar enough with the kit to find it easy to spot which register is the "make it charge now" control, if there is one. Any pointers on that? Not used Node-red before, but I think I get the kind of thing...
  3. placetobe

    API control of SMA Home Manager to charge battery based on tariff

    The web UI for the Sunny Island has a section for Modbus. Activating that, I can connect on the port (502). So it looks like it has that. I gather (sorry, new to this) that modbus is a standard interface, so that presumably makes it more likely that there's some existing code which can use that?
  4. placetobe

    API control of SMA Home Manager to charge battery based on tariff

    Quick reply! S16.0H-13 according to the label on the side.
  5. placetobe

    API control of SMA Home Manager to charge battery based on tariff

    New to this forum, so apologies for any breach of etiquette or incorrect capitalisation of common acronyms. I'm in a rural location and wanting to get off fuel oil, so I've been installing underfloor heating as rooms are renovated as a secondary method of heating. I'm now at the point where...

diy solar

diy solar