diy solar

diy solar

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  1. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    Heh, yeah this little project will likely be the gateway drug. This area is pretty consistently windy though; I think if I do anything for home backup I'll include a couple small vertical axis wind turbines as well as solar. Forgive my ignorance but what's the purpose of the golf cart?
  2. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    Yep yep for sure. I don't know what the real-world average difference is between paper numbers and real-world numbers, I see people say 50%, 60%, 80%. Of course each installation is different. I read one guy here who lives a million miles up in the mountains say he gets over 100% rated output on...
  3. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    LOL @ replies Interesting. OK I'll take that into consideration. In this particular case it's only on paper that the two panels would peak above 10A into the controller, and even then just barely. In the real world 10A into the controller is likely never going to happen. Yeah the wife...
  4. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    Nice. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Pretty sure I'll look back at this question and shake my head smiling in a couple years once the bug's bitten me and I'm 20k deep into a full-house multi kw system :cool: So final answer, based on the specs of the panel and the controller, is it safe to...
  5. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    Thanks a lot yall for the warm welcome. Well now I have to admit how little I still know/haven't yet learned. For some reason I've thought up until now that - at least for little stand-alone setups like this - the load always/normally comes out of the load ports of the controller, whether PWM...
  6. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    LOL Thanks for your replies. Hmm hadn't thought of that in quite the way you've presented it. It is the cheapest part of the system to upgrade. Taking this as a learning opportunity then, a second panel in parallel would double the amps. If one panel's max amp rating is 5.4A then two panels...
  7. Q

    First post, first solar project, very basic - Please critique / questions before buying

    Hello all, This is my first post here. Thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum, it's a goldmine. After a lot of reading I'm just about ready to buy stuff. The project is very basic and I'm trying to keep it as plug-and-play as possible: my goal is to place approximately 25-30 1w...

diy solar

diy solar