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  1. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Much appreciated I'm quite happy the workaround worked what I needed to in the end, Fun learning process. I think that was part of my issue when trying to get it ESP8266 D1 mini to work. that one only had 2 Serial ports. on that I think Serial is the USB and Serial1 was Transmit only, I tried to...
  2. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Using Pin 16 ( TX ) & 17 ( RX ) on the ESP32 board which is Serial2, Using a ESP32 wroon 32 Dev kit C, which does have a different pinout to some of the Esp32 boards. This Arduino based BMS is the first time I've ever attempted anything like this so forgive me for missing anything obvious...
  3. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Ive run into an issue when is anyone can help, seems after a while my ESP32 just stops Communicating or the Comms shutdown maybe with the batteries and the batteries go back to sleep. but if I close the Serial monitor and then reopen it again it starts communicating again or if I just power the...
  4. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Mine in running on a ESP32 board, I couldn't get it running my Wemos D1 Mini / ESP8266. Arguably I did just copy the code a user posted here for there version with a mqtt but mainly has as they was also running it on a ESP32 based. unfortunately this area is just way above my knowledge and...
  5. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Mounted to a perfboard now, wakes up the battery no issue but now have the problem of "invalid read" in the Serial monitor on seemingly all information coming from the batteries.
  6. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Swapped a ESP8266 for a ESP32 as I saw User aguerrejoaquin has it working and used there code with a MQTT they posted a few posts back. i haven't yet figured out how to get there MPTT stuff to working. Going to try and get Blynk to run and seeing if I can output some of the information from the...
  7. Alexfrood

    Interfacing with Valence built in monitoring

    Has anyone been about to get this BMS running on a Wemos D1 mini?. This area is completely new to me. Current having a D1 mini set up on a Breadboard with a Max845 and as far as I'm aware wired up Correctly and connected up with the batteries . Loaded the code onto the D1, set the pins but not...
  8. Alexfrood

    Valence XP Super Thread

    Fair enough, I guess it becomes a common oversight of people ( like me ) reading the A and B and not the plus and minus
  9. Alexfrood

    Valence XP Super Thread

    seems this is common issue, some of the RS-485 adapters Pin layout diagram use A+/B- and the Valence diagram uses A-/B+ I had the same issue HOW TO: USED Valence U27-12XP Lithium batteries. Repair, Communication & Software issues
  10. Alexfrood

    Valence XP Super Thread

    Had to reupload video HOW TO: USED Valence U27-12XP Lithium batteries. Repair, Communication & Software issues
  11. Alexfrood

    Valence XP Super Thread

    Put together a video of myself fixing cut Communication cables, making a USB adapter cable. And troubleshooting a variety of hardware and software issues I came across when i Had the "np Battery found" in there valence software. I made the videos from information I found in my research in to my...

diy solar

diy solar