diy solar

diy solar

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  1. N

    Valence XP Super Thread

    Hi All, Thanks for your feedback and ideas. I spent over an hour on the phone with Renogy yesterday. As WinnieVan noted, the alternator and solar panel charging capability of the DCC50S complicates things. The good news is that Renogy was able to confirm (hopefully correctly) that if the relay...
  2. N

    Valence XP Super Thread

    I'm wondering the same thing!
  3. N

    Valence XP Super Thread

    Yes, I have looked at it very closely. I have spoken with Thunderstruck as well. They wanted me to have the relay cut off connected at the controller positive outlet. This would fry my DCC50S when the relay opens the circuit because the panel and alternator would be disconnected from the...
  4. N

    Valence XP Super Thread

    I just received the Thunderstruck VC1 BMS. I have wired my entire van, but, for some reason, wiring the relay is not making sense to me. I use a Renogy DCC50, which might be a complicating factor. Can anyone post some photos of how they wired the VC1 and its relay?

diy solar

diy solar