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diy solar

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  1. T

    My experience with Batrium BMS

    To get the executable, click this link here it will download the zip. I extracted the zip and the Batriumlog unix executable showed up.
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    My experience with Batrium BMS

    I downloaded , from the releases page. Once extracted I got batriumlog file, Unix executable file. But I haven't placed it on my raspberrypi to test.
  3. T

    My experience with Batrium BMS

    Thanks Kommando. The project has not had any updates since 2020 😞 Im hoping Batrium builds this natively on their software.
  4. T

    Solark 15k... going crazy with trying to understand Time Of Use...

    Working great, thanks again for the immense help!
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    My experience with Batrium BMS

    Amazing setup and fantastic skills!! I have looked at and tried WatchMonUDPListener but found, maybe it's just me, that being dependent on Node Red for the pushing data into Home Assistant was a bit messy. I like to reduce software dependencies as much as possible. Although my Proxmox servers...
  6. T

    My experience with Batrium BMS

    At the genesis of my solar indoctrination I started with JK and Daly BMS, for my smaller battery packs, they worked ok, but I didn't feel comfortable with using them on my main battery storage. So I started my research, I looked at Orion and others, but Batrium came out on top, both on features...
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    Solark 15k... going crazy with trying to understand Time Of Use...

    My inverter IS in between meter and main panel with an inverter bypass switch. Perfect, this makes sense, thank you!
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    Solark 15k... going crazy with trying to understand Time Of Use...

    This is great, thank you! I have net metering so I can sell back, but I only want to sell from PV, never from battery. I want the batteries to charge from solar first then sell. Here are the settings I put in the Solark. What is the difference between "limited power to Home" and "Limited power...
  9. T

    Solark 15k... going crazy with trying to understand Time Of Use...

    My setup: Solark 15k 10KW of solar 304 AH batteries, two of them, managing them I'm using Batrium BMS. My goal would be to use the batteries during the mid peak and high peak hours. These hours are: 3pm- 7pm Mid Peak 7pm-11pm High peak How do I set the parameters to meet this objective? I have...
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    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    I did make it work, however, I have since started using this DalyMQTT
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    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    Got all the parts and built the board. I can ping it and access the web interface but that's as far as i got successfully. The transmit light blinks when i have the JBDTools open but im not seeing any TX from the virtual serial. I've doubled checked my wires just cant see whats wrong, any...
  12. T

    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    That's funny, i just got into Shadowlands on Saturday and started a Mage. I've been mostly a healer and tank, DPS has never excited me but im having fun with the "glass cannon".
  13. T

    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    That's cool, coincidentally i just started a mage on Shadowlands, i have much to learn as i started as a healer and a tank, DPS doesn't seem as exciting as healing or tanking.
  14. T

    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    Yes, did too much mining on my Paly :) the name stuck.
  15. T

    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    Thank you very much. As soon as I receive (should have it be this weekend) the parts I will start putting it together and report back.
  16. T

    JBD BMS Wi-Fi Module

    Having 4 of these BMS's I just purchased all the parts to try my skills, I am not an engineer but i will try my best to DIY it. Do you have a diagram of the soldering? This is amazing dedication to the community, thank you

diy solar

diy solar