diy solar

diy solar

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  1. S

    balancing an existing battery with a bench-top power supply

    I have an older 12V 206Ah SOK in my RV that I just upgraded with SOK's latest bluetooth BMS. I am seeing individual cell voltages for the first time. When charging, one of the cells becomes a runner and trips BMS overcharge early (14.0V; cell diff 0.175V). That also shuts down the RV's...
  2. S

    SOK LiFePO4 specs: 100Ah vs 206Ah

    The SOK website lists basic specs for each of their batteries. But, apparently the only place you can currently download detailed spec sheets is the SOK Facebook Group. I've attached the spec sheets for their two original 12v batteries (100Ah and 206Ah). Specs sheets for their two newer...
  3. S

    SOK's BMS balancing <14.4V

    I recently purchased my first LiFePO4 batteries, two SOK 12V 206Ah, and I downloaded the spec sheet from the SOK Facebook Group. The balancing spec (<14.4V) seems odd based on what I've read elsewhere. I posted a question on the FB group asking for clarification. A SOK rep responded with...
  4. S

    Newbie lithium charge questions

    I just scored two SOK 206Ah LiFePO4 to replace my 500Ah AGM bank. SOK provides just one charge number, 14.6, which I assume is bulk/absorb. I am trying to figure out how to modify the settings on my solar and shorepower chargers that don't have lithium settings. Searching this forum (etc)...