diy solar

diy solar

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  1. D

    RuiXU battery experiences

    Yep I am aware. "properly size" see that is part of the problem. That really means: 1) "oversize" for what you will need to run.....which you shouldn't have to do in the first place 2) And still the components inside the HF inverter/charger will be inferior to a transformer based system that...
  2. D

    RuiXU battery experiences

    Does anyone know if a transformer based inverter like a Sigineer low frequency would pair well with the Ruixu rack batteries? Yes, I know I wouldn't have communication and the warranty voided but I cannot bring myself to purchase one of those "all in one" HF units that probably won't last 7 to...
  3. D

    Mod please delete

    INEVER MIND. I HAVE THE ANSWER WISH I COULD HAVE DELETED THIS POST THOUGH instead of editing only How to delete your own post?
  4. D

    Is it common for rodents to chew PV cables on ground-based solar panels?

    What in the world does 3M tape have anything to do with rodents chewing cables??