diy solar

diy solar

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  1. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    I'll be honest... probably my most expensive regret... We recently had a decent system boiler installed, replacing a jerry rigged to shit monstrosity the former owner had molested the absolute life out of... I wish I'd have done way more research into ASHP systems and planned this whole system...
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    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    It's all in... not a bloody clue what it's doing right now, and to be honest while I'm not let down I am left feeling like my excitement was a little bit too much... Obviously you don't want fireworks with this type of stuff... however there was no "tadah" moment... it all just quietly kind of...
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    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    This just happened... ?
  4. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Dificult to get decent shots with the scaff still in place but it's on and chucking power into the system. Sparks is going to have to return to finish off tomorrow I think...
  5. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Errmmmmm Water... I didn't order a hydro system. Maybe it's the Gen 2 GivEnergy batteries... are they water cooled? ?
  6. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    INSTALL DAY... They reckon it'll be smashed out in 1 day... Bit of a blow in that they've provided a wallbox car charger not the Zappi I specifically requested. Told them not to install it... but to run all the cables/ducting etc.
  7. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Roofs off...!!! Thats as far up the ladder I was willing to go.
  8. B

    Any fellow British souls installing solar?

    Pics or it didn't happen...!
  9. B

    Any fellow British souls installing solar?

    Ha, you know solar requires sunlight...!!! ? I'm from Sunny Suffolk UK... and getting a system installed next week. Full disclosure, I'm not DIY'ing it as I'd kill myself and or burn down my house... I've been posting to myself about my install for months. Feel free to have a read and catch...
  10. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    So there has been some developments... I've been constantly reaffirming my install date and checking with the POC I have "Jerome" about the installs capabilities, asking about potentially using the newer gen 2 Givenergy equipment etc... and while he has been reasonably responsive, I was told I...
  11. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Scaffold is up... and ugly as shit... Yeah there's still some "other" renovations ongoing... even bigger jobs than the solar...
  12. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Painted the installation wall today... Matt Black so the white electric goodies look proper Gucci and stand out... pics to follow... There ya go... a black wall...!
  13. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Roofing work starts next week with scaffold going up on Monday... I answer all your questions then...!
  14. B

    Has anyone else realized how far we are away from running civilization fully on wind and solar?

    Lol, its as if you think those in charge actually care... You think for a second our glorious leaders don't hold shares in big oil and gas... that they didn't just profit from collosal returns over the last reporting period...? That they are not right now enjoying making more money per barrel...
  15. B

    Let's Get Real about Solar Costs

    What War...? Its a special military operation...!!!
  16. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Ok ok ok.... ill post up some images...!!! Patience guys (and girls)... All the prepatory works are now complete with a brand spanking 16 way CU ready for all the Solar/Battery/EV gear to be hooked right up... New 100amp fuse from the DNO with 25mm tails all round. New supply breaching the...
  17. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    So after chatting with soooooooo many of this forums users, I was emboldened and took the plunge, ordering a system to be installed in Mid Sept. I'm having a new roof at the same time so it made sense to keep the scaffold up a little longer and bang up as many PV panels as I could squeeze on...
  18. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Soooo the saga continues... The company I was discussing the system with have ghosted ? me... I have called, I have left messages, I have emailed... and nothing. I think my questions regarding options and constantly giving them homework to give me options and explain to me where the cost...
  19. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Ahhhhh, slight issue... Sunny Suffolk in the UK...!
  20. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Never heard of now googling...
  21. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    OK so I'm gonna just plough on regardless... Asked for a new quote with solar optimisers... 33 x Hyundai 395W panels (13.1kw Capacity) 19 south/south west - 14 on East/North East Tigo Solar Optimisers 1 x Growatt Hybrid Inverter 15kwh Growatt Battery Eddi Solar Diverter Zappi EV Charger Bird...
  22. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Soooooooooo, this is awkward...
  23. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Thanks @Supervstech Found it...!
  24. B

    Hi from sunny Suffolk...

    super... please add a link so i can find it...!
  25. B

    Sunny Suffolk (UK)... 100% non DIY...!!!

    Thanks for the welcome. Straight to it... I am in no way ever going to try and do a DIY install... is this still the right place to ask questions.. I will asume its ok and plough on regardless. I have about 4 quotes with varying sizes of systems. I am leaning towards the biggest system in...
  26. B

    Hi from sunny Suffolk...

    Hi all, New to the forum and solar (as are probably thousands of us right now...!) Going to be asking some questions about a potential solar set up and companies (not getting the fuzzies about one I am dealing with) and hopefully learn a bit more from those who have already trodden this path...

diy solar

diy solar