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  1. M

    Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G with 'User-Defined' Battery control - effect on Battery BMS?

    Thanks Solar Guppy for your response. I can see with the User-Defined profile there is still some BMS communications because the inverter shows 'BMS normal' and it reports a battery voltage and current and has applied a discharge current that over-rides the value I had entered on the inverter...
  2. M

    Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G with 'User-Defined' Battery control - effect on Battery BMS?

    Does anyone know whether 'User-Defined' battery controls on a Solis inverter results in the battery BMS being ignored / over-ridden? Background: I am running a pair of Pylontech US3000C's and am considering using User-defined settings instead of the PYLON settings in an attempt to avoid...
  3. M

    Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G not waking Pylontech US3000c from idle

    The Solis service agent updated the firmware and since I have been keeping a close eye on things. I still get the occasional false 100% SOC spike, but the batteries have worked correctly without 'going to sleep'. I wonder if it was something to do with running them down at min SOC for several...
  4. M

    Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G not waking Pylontech US3000c from idle

    Hello everyone, I have a Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G with two Pylontech US3000C's. I am running on Self-Use mode so the batteries are only being charged by excess solar. I am running with Min SOC of 20% with a Force Charge at 17%. During the winter it has been running at those levels quite a bit...
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    Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES Alarm

    Sorry for the confusion - mine is a Solis RAI-3K-48ES-5G. It is 4 months old.
  6. M

    Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES Alarm

    My software version is 0F000B
  7. M

    Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES Alarm

    Hi Lee, I am using the same inverter and batteries as you and I get that same error 186AF. Look closely at the battery voltage and the SOC around the time of the errors. In my case I can see that the SOC has dropped momentarily to 98 or 99% and the inverter starts the charging - but a bit too...

diy solar

diy solar