diy solar

diy solar

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  1. Rozarijo

    Is it safe to purchase from China now?

    Just find on Alibaba what you need... Pay with PayPal, and you are good... I have small business with solar power systems in Europe... And everything buying from China... Let me know if I can help you with order... Good luck...
  2. Rozarijo

    Is it safe to purchase from China now?

    I'm living in Taiwan... What I can see, only problem for Taiwan is US... China have no reason to be aggressive... They want to help... But politics, yeah... That is the problem in Taiwan... Wish I chose China instead of Taiwan... Hahaha... I'm selling the batteries in Europe, all from...
  3. Rozarijo

    And holders for the bottom side... There is a screw hole to fix it... Multifunction part...
  4. Rozarijo

    Does anyone see the mounting brackets for the inverter in this video? Will is touching them on 40-45sec of the video... Hahaha...

diy solar

diy solar