diy solar

diy solar

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  1. peba

    Planning a Tiny Solar System for a Lovely Remote Place [PICS]

    Hello folks! Yeah, I know it's been a while since I last posted. Life threw things on me and I had to deal with that first but I didn't give up my dream to install a few panels on my remote cabin :) So I thought it's time for an update and I would also like to ask for some help before I do...
  2. peba

    Planning a Tiny Solar System for a Lovely Remote Place [PICS]

    For the sake of future Google users trying to find a solution for this particular problem I should add something like... How to charge a Macbook Pro 2016 (touchbar/non-touchbar) with a 12V car battery and with solar panels? I know it's not entirely a solar related issue, but hey, I'm just...
  3. peba

    Planning a Tiny Solar System for a Lovely Remote Place [PICS]

    Hahaha Steve, calling you on your nickname in Canada must surely raise eyebrows (btw, you have to pronounce the "Is" as "Ish") :D Loved your story with the Trabant in Pécs though. :) Small world, huh... Anyway. I appreciate your detailed input! Wow man, there's a lot to learn about this...
  4. peba

    Planning a Tiny Solar System for a Lovely Remote Place [PICS]

    I'm in Europe, Hungary. I believe it's kind of pointless to talk about prices too as generally things are a lot cheaper here. Those trees are gone, no shadows ever since. Snow is not a problem anymore (I blame it on global warming). The batteries would stay inside the house in a room but...
  5. peba

    Planning a Tiny Solar System for a Lovely Remote Place [PICS]

    TL;DR looking for suggestions on what should I build to power this tiny house where only relatively small appliances will be used like a laptop and a cellphone. Hey everyone! Yup, yet another guy asking for guidance from the pros! Well, that would be me :) I come across this board and thought...