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diy solar

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    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    I will also add : I had a look at the graph over last week and every energy excess > 650w from the PV is dumped into the grid, not the battery. Battery charging from PV tops at 650w, so same case scenario. No problem using energy from the battery to full inverter capacity (3.5KW).
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    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    Yea battery was charging no problem at 2.2KW last week (40A), even on lower energy generating days than last week! A parameter has definitively been pushed without my knowledge since last week. While I do consider your brother in law opinion, I don't think it applies to our case. Solis BS us...
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    Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

    Pitching in, I have a similar system and have noticed my battery only charging at 650w since the 16/11. When im going into the advanced settings and trying to change the charge limitation (as suggested 0A above or even 40A as it was set before by the installer) it does not save my changes! It...

diy solar

diy solar