diy solar

diy solar

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  1. X

    Looking for a 500Wh solar power station. Considering the SUAOKI G500. Looking for advice before I purchase.

    Update: We purchased the SUAOKI G500 and the DC out ports don't work. When I press the "DC On" button, it gives an E26 error code, meaning a possible fault in the USB-C port. We've never used that port since we don't have USB-C devices, so it appears to have arrived in a faulty state. If we try...
  2. X

    Looking for a 500Wh solar power station. Considering the SUAOKI G500. Looking for advice before I purchase.

    Thank you for the suggestion! I already watched most of those and it seems all the video reviews I could find were from non-technical consumer reviewers just showing off various electronics they could plug into it. None of them mentioned over-paneling, pass-through, or hooked them up to a watt...
  3. X

    Looking for a 500Wh solar power station. Considering the SUAOKI G500. Looking for advice before I purchase.

    Regarding the SUAOKI G500: Are there any red flags or limitations I should be aware of with this product? Does anyone have experience with it, or can someone more knowledgeable than me look at the specs and see if this seems like a good power station or if I should consider something else? Can...