diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. Atlas

    What are some of your favorite lower voltage appliances? 12v or 24v verses 110/120v?

    Were you having reliability issues with your absorption refrigerator, or was it just a matter of actual cooling power?
  2. Atlas

    SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    To equalize cells it would look like this |--------Resistor or bulb-----------------------------| (Pos)Cell1(Neg)<--------->(Neg)Cell2(Pos)
  3. Atlas

    One about to kick the top off Kickstarter

    Sounds a whole lot like the "80% in one hour" claim and the "800 cycles" are directly related. Can't modern chemistries like lithium iron phosphate pull cycle counts in the double digit thousands? Makes me think the cells in this bad boy are being driven very, very hard.
  4. Atlas

    It is easy and inexpensive to make home wiring into extension cords! Is this code compliant?

    Well, turns out I lost that file, but Rider seems to have found at least one code which prohibits it, and there's likely others. When I was rewiring my grandfathers house to remove all the extension cords he was using to run power to house outlets, I made a straight line solder connection...
  5. Atlas

    It is easy and inexpensive to make home wiring into extension cords! Is this code compliant?

    Unfortunately, I don't believe that any wire to wire connection outside of a box is to code, especially one that involves ohmic connections. I think I have the 2015 code book on a flash drive so let me glance at that to verify.

diy solar

diy solar