diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. Q

    I Made An App! - Solis\Ginlong Widgets Android

    I've told v0.03 to work with android 9 onwards - it seems to, so let me know...
  2. Q

    I Made An App! - Solis\Ginlong Widgets Android

    Oh sorry - I pretty arbitrarily chose to build for android 11 because that was what the tutorial I was reading built on. I'll try to downgrade it and see if it's still happy - something for version 0.03 when I get some time
  3. Q

    Solis App - not fit for purpose

    Using the Solis API, I made a little app & widget that displays notifications when the battery is high/low: It won't help get your numbers more accurate, but it makes it less painful (for me at least) to see what's...
  4. Q

    I Made An App! - Solis\Ginlong Widgets Android

    I made a Solis app too. It's probably not as extensive as above but it's free and gives you notifications on high and low battery, which is what I really want: Feedback welcome.

diy solar

diy solar