diy solar

diy solar

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  1. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Okay so i just purchased 2 more 300ah batteries for a total of 900ah with 22797wh I wouldnt imagine having this issue anymore... what do you think?
  2. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    I really think there is something wrong with my aio. AIO manual Current solar settings SBU 60hz UPS 26.8v 27.2v SNU 60a Lo7 28.8v 120 28.8v 21v 15 27v 20v 22. Dl5 23. EnA 24. EnA 25. Dl5 26. Dl5 27. EnA 28. 40a 29. Dl5 35. 26v 36. 60a 37. 27.8v 38. 120v
  3. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    to point 1 I have 4200w pv and only 500w average load so that's definitely not the issue would it be helpful if I post all my current settings? the setting is SBU "solar, battery, utility" so if it is in fact in that order I guess that makes more sense why the battery is touched. Im open to...
  4. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Sorry for the late reply here I haven't tried this exactly but I have ran the unit on sbu for a week and what I see is the battery still drains to 27v which is what I have 11... so why when the charge priority is SNU and load is SBU does the battery drain at all during the day?
  5. D

    Not understanding grid-tied power priority

    Check this picture out. see the sub panel middle top that is where p goes in my setup
  6. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Ill get into these when im done with my work day so far only changing to SBU has done very well keeping the battery between 26.2 and 28 v with PV carrying the load.
  7. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    A0 28.6v is what I consider full and what the charge Controller does as well B) The 2 times I've tested this with the grid off I had about 10% left according to the Controller B.2) unfortunately I don't remember what the voltage was
  8. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    I say average but honestly most of the day my load sits between 200w and 300w that average is occasionally using the toaster or my wife blow drying her hair (which is rare) I do think my battery is faulty but I just ordered a new one so hopefully that fixes things o want to put 2 300ah batteries...
  9. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Ill change it now and report back after some time
  10. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    what do you mean by this (sorry I'm pretty new to all this)
  11. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    So my average load is 500w I have 1400w coming into this Controller then I have 2 epever 60a controllers with 1500w coming into each of those going straight to the Battery so 4.3kw total pv and I cant seem to keep that battery full (I haven't tried the SBU setting yet) battery is 24v 300ah
  12. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Yeah i have 1 24v 300ah battery its Lifepo4
  13. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    So my goal it to use PV as much as possible durring the day for load and keep the battery for night. In the end i want to cut the grid ac and test my system for a week and make sure i have the capacity needed. math is great but loads can fluctuate you know what i mean lol
  14. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    So that leads me back to my original question. what 24v device can do that? I'll go buy it.
  15. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Okay thank you ive tried SOL on #1 but not SBU also any recommendations on the setpoints for #4,5 and 35?
  16. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load I’ve tried the solar priority on the load setting and hybrid on the charger side
  17. D

    Looking for a device that will use pv to carry my load

    Is there a device that will prioritize PV for load my battery bank stays charged due to the amount of PV input I have. My average load is only 500w but I have over 4kw coming in. I am looking for something that will run my load during the day and only use battery when there is no PV input but...

diy solar

diy solar