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diy solar

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  1. S

    Can a Parallel Array be Combined into a Series Array?

    Prouse said systems under 1000W do not need to be fused. This new system will be over 1000W so now need to fuse. My cheap self just wants to add fuses after each array is joined. Bad idea?
  2. S

    Can a Parallel Array be Combined into a Series Array?

    Someone said the new array should be treated the same as adding another panel in series and a friend suggested this diagram. Thoughts?
  3. S

    Can a Parallel Array be Combined into a Series Array?

    The three panel array in the OP diagram are on a trailer roof and the other array will be ground mounted. I can make the other array match VOC and voltage if necessary. So how can I add the other array so it does not increase the current?
  4. S

    Can a Parallel Array be Combined into a Series Array?

    I want to add a PV panel array in series (to not increase the current) to an array that is already wired in parallel (to deal with different panel shading. See diagram). I can’t find a diagram of or info about this. Is it possible? A diagram would be most helpful.
  5. S

    Panels for 7x14 Trailer

    Looks good. How are those rails/struts/channels attached to the trailer? Would you do it differently now?

diy solar

diy solar