diy solar

diy solar

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  1. SilviuSmart

    Easun firmware 2.xx

    When I bought the 4-th inverter I had an error of firmware compatibility so Easun provided me a a package with firmware and the instructions to be able to put all 4 inverters in parallel without error 42 . I attached online (in the link below because on the website you can't upload 51mb) a zip...
  2. SilviuSmart

    Easun firmware 2.xx

    How can I extract the firmware from Easun SMX II 5.6 ? and install in another inverter from easun ...In my case the short story : I bought another Easun SMX II to replace the one that broke , the problem is that the unit that came from aliexpress has the version 2.08 and the other two that I...

diy solar

diy solar