diy solar

diy solar

3 EASUN parallel hybrid to 2 DEYE hybrid migration

Well I'd wait a bit.
There is a member here from Finland that also has the 12k's and he was told by deye to run as close too 800v as he could, if I remember correctly
Can't understand why, as it seems to me running anything over 550v will be lost, but he may have a good reason.
I stayed as close to 550v as I could ( 10 panels in serie) , but maybe I missed some insight


Maybe you can provide some insights ?
Well, at the time I got suggestion to go with 16S with my panels from Deye tech, I didn't know/have the time to figure it out myself as I was busy building my system/working 85-110 hours a week at the same time. Also he probably didn't know how cold it can get here. When it's under +20C voltage is always higher than 650V thus over MPPT range (200-650V). Production seems to be ok though and my Deyes produce 10-15% more than my Bluesun15Ks which are always on their MPPT range (200-950V). Can't really tell why. I have also over 100m from my array to my "Solar Corner" so keeping voltages high reduces also transfer losses.

On cold (-30C or lower)/sunny spring days voltages do go over 800V hard limit on Deyes so can't recommend going this high to anyone. I have witnessed it once looking from Deye screen. I saw voltage going up slowly to 808V and tripping inverter. Immediately after that voltage went slowly down and after 2-3 minutes or so Deye started working again after dropping under 780V. From the log I see this happening 10-20 times each spring so maybe I'm playing with fire, actual fire.
Adjustment time to new system.

One thing started happening today.

If battery is full, meaning when BMS instructs inverters to go from Bulk to float mode PV utilization stops and everything goes from battery regardless of load.

When I press PV icon on touchscreen I can see voltage around 600V and Current is 0A

Battery is discharging to power loads until float cycle is over.

I’m using modules between JK BMS and Inverters produced by @uksa007 and everything is just fine until battery is fully charged. Log file then displays Charge status: Wait and Inverter shows Charging current 0A

One more interesting thing is this. I keep myself disconnected from grid to omit grid influx of some 100-120W. All of this is happening while I’m Off-grid. If I flick grid On everything is normal and loads are powered by PV first and battery second.

This started happening today and it’s making me scratch my head. I haven’t changed anything in inverter or BMS settings….

Any ideas?
Remove the communication cable between BMS's and inverters.
Switch battery type to user or lead acid.
If you call limiting charging, balancing help.
I guess you can, if you buy garbage cells.

Which Moffetts? And how?
BMS mosfett's..

Closed loop causes a much lower amp count at a high state of charge,and makes sure there is no mosfett disconnect ( disable charger itself, before mosfett's have to switch)
Less switching and switch at lower amps if it needs to switch puts less strain on them
BMS mosfett's..

Closed loop causes a much lower amp count at a high state of charge,and makes sure there is no mosfett disconnect ( disable charger itself, before mosfett's have to switch)
Less switching and switch at lower amps if it needs to switch puts less strain on them
If you are causing BMS mosfett's to disconnect frequently.
You don't have the settings right. Or you have inferior cells or BMS.
Closed loop communication is a bandaid solution. That is only useful if you need a bandaid.

It's also useful for people who don't (or want to) know what they are doing.
If you are causing BMS mosfett's to disconnect frequently.
You don't have the settings right. Or you have inferior cells or BMS.
Closed loop communication is a bandaid solution. That is only useful if you need a bandaid.

It's also useful for people who don't (or want to) know what they are doing.
Let's agree to strongly disagree
Look at all of the threads where closed loop communication was the problem.

Oh I did, notice how most errors were due to folk being clueless on how to operate their stuff, clueless about cell chem
And look for a single thread where open loop communication was a problem.
Wow , didn't notice all those "up in smokes" were cells caused trouble ( to be fair mostly in paralleled - series packs)
One new question.

As I’m running parallel system and I want to use smart load function should I interconnect GEN ports or use them separately for separate loads from each inverter?
If the inverters are connected in parallel, all ports are controlled simultaneously.
When in parallel, all units act as one.

diy solar

diy solar