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Adding Sol-ark15k to existing grid tie 16kW micro inverter system


New Member
Sep 17, 2022
I currently have a 16kW AC (enphase micro inverter) that’s net metered at my house. (On a high roof that I don’t want to have to go on)

Buy and sell is a flat rate (17.7 c/kW). Halifax, Nova Scotia

I think I need around 22kW more solar to reach net zero.

I’d like to add a ground mount with several DC strings to make up the 22kW. I have 2 x 200amp panels in my house and would like to add a small battery bank that’s expandable, and be able to use my solar when the grid is down.

I have a Sol-ark 15k at my cottage (fully off grid)which is way overkill as I only have 6,500W of solar there. My thoughts are to get an off grid hybrid inverter for my cottage, and take the 15k to the house. I would like to be able to use the 16kW AC when the grid is down as well, but not sure what the best set up is. I know a single 15k can sell back up to around 30kW of combined DC and AC solar, but would I be a lot better off going with 2x 15k’s, one on each 200amp panel, and put half the DC and Half of the AC on each one, put all the AC on one and DC on the other, or some other combination?

I only have a 7,000W gas generator at the house that I can use when there’s no sun (our outages are normally fairly short but can be up to 3 days). I think a chargeverter would be best for charging on those occasions.

What route would people with similar experience/ installations recommend I do?

Thanks in advance!
Enphase into Gen/smart load connection of solark. Parallel two 15ks of you need that much power when grid is down. You will need 200ah of batteries for each 10kw of peak power production (550ah to max out production from two 15k's).

Might be cheaper to parallel a bunch of growatt sph 10k's.
Thanks for the
Enphase into Gen/smart load connection of solark. Parallel two 15ks of you need that much power when grid is down. You will need 200ah of batteries for each 10kw of peak power production (550ah to max out production from two 15k's).

Might be cheaper to parallel a bunch of growatt sph 10k's.
Thanks for the reply! The Sol-arks aren’t cheap, but I like the full 200 amp pass through they offer. I’ll check out the Growatt 10k.

My main reason I’d like to be able to take advantage of the AC side is for low light, grid down days.

Is it possible to set up the 2 wire start with the Sol-ark when the generator isn’t hooked up to the gen port and instead using a chargeverter?

If paralleling 2x Sol-arks, would you split the dc and AC solar evenly? I know I’d have to shift some breakers from one 200amp panel to the other so they’re better balanced.

If not splitting the AC solar, Could I put 100% of the AC solar in the gen input of one Sol-ark, and connect the generator in the gen port of the 2nd sol-ark?

I’ll double check whichever set up seems best with Sol-ark, but I’m looking for pros/cons or if there’s an obvious route I should be taking.

Thanks again!
Enphase into Gen/smart load connection of solark. Parallel two 15ks of you need that much power when grid is down. You will need 200ah of batteries for each 10kw of peak power production (550ah to max out production from two 15k's).

Might be cheaper to parallel a bunch of growatt sph 10k's.
I had a look and it seems these only work with Growatt’s 100+V batteries. I haven’t seen this model offered in Canada, and am thinking maybe it hasn’t been approved for on grid use here?
Thanks for the

Thanks for the reply! The Sol-arks aren’t cheap, but I like the full 200 amp pass through they offer. I’ll check out the Growatt 10k.

GW doesn't have the same passthrough, but for the same price as one 15k, you get 30kw (125a) of power (3 gw parralleled).

My main reason I’d like to be able to take advantage of the AC side is for low light, grid down days.

Is it possible to set up the 2 wire start with the Sol-ark when the generator isn’t hooked up to the gen port and instead using a chargeverter?

I belive so. I don't think it looks for power, just measures soc or battery voltage. If not, you may be able to use the logic on the v2 of the chargeverter. Set the start voltage below the switch to grid voltage. Then only when grid is down and pv insufficient, will the 15k draw battery to the cv gen start level.
If paralleling 2x Sol-arks, would you split the dc and AC solar evenly? I know I’d have to shift some breakers from one 200amp panel to the other so they’re better balanced.
In parallel, the gen port is also paralleled, so the ac pv is common.

i think it is preferred to split dc pv evenly. If not, put more on the Master.

If not splitting the AC solar, Could I put 100% of the AC solar in the gen input of one Sol-ark, and connect the generator in the gen port of the 2nd sol-ark?

no. Gen port is paralleled.

I’ll double check whichever set up seems best with Sol-ark, but I’m looking for pros/cons or if there’s an obvious route I should be taking.
You could have separate 15k's for each 200a panel.

existing 15k on one panel with enphase.
2nd 15k (or GW) on other panel with generator.
Wire only grid and battery in common.
This only works if you have enough battery (600ah or more) when both inverters max out drawing on the battery when grid is down.

If you need more than 12-14kW on one panel, the other inverter can't help.
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